FBI Sued By Former Agent For Racism
May 15. 2009

FBI Headquarters
I have maintained for well over a year that the
FBI headed by neo-Nazi, Robert S. Mueller, is a cesspool of
racism and hatred for all things black, foreigner and or Muslim.
They haven't changed since the Civil Rights
movement, with many attributing the cold blooded, vicious murder
Martin Luther King jr to the privacy and human rights
violating agency known as the FBI.
A former agent sued them in 1990, settled the
case and has reopened it, stating retribution against him
continues by FBI employees. I don't doubt they treated him badly, because he
is black. I was previously informed by a reliable source that
Robert S. Mueller, who reads this website regularly according to
site stats and had received
a formal complaint from me in 2005 regarding
this case, referred to me as,
"The foreign nig*er."
Hence, me having no qualms about outing him on
his scurrilous, treacherous misconduct, such as the Patriot Act
abuses story I was the first to break in December of 2006 that
was later confirmed in
March 2007. The bad part is, I went in their with a positive
attitude in how I approached this situation, politely stating
the facts regarding the stolen copyrights and human rights
abuses (I have copies of the letter to Mueller and the updates
to the Miami FBI).
However, they took the nasty, treacherous
approach, duplicating misconduct that has earned the agency the
awful name it has in the nation and the world, due to other
cases (click here for other
FBI cases).

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller
I am also disgusted by the willfully, criminally
negligent manner in which Mueller ordered the Miami FBI to drag
their feet on the case, telling me three times they are
investigating, to keep me at bay, to allow scum in Hollywood, to
criminally use my
Copyrighted Catalog without permission. How
unconstitutional and un-American. Your conduct is
disgraceful...not to mention felonious.
Furthermore, people aren't stupid. Everyone that
has observed your conduct in the case, knows you are trying to
pull a fast one, in the willful robbery of a black immigrant and
you've done it to the disgrace of the United States government,
to the millions of people around the world that have read about
this case on this site and many others. Do you know how many
people have said to me that you are being corrupt and crooked
(which I already realized).
Your names are gone and your families are going
to disown you when the full truth comes out regarding this
misconduct you've committed
in conjunction with Hollywood
and your part in trying to delay my patents in collusion with
parties in said entertainment industry. By the grace of God,
you're not getting away with anything.
Ex-Agent Accuses FBI Of
Retaliation Over Race Suit
Morning Edition, May 13, 2009 · A
former FBI agent at the center of one of the biggest
discrimination cases in the agency's history has filed a new
lawsuit, in which he says the FBI continues to exact retribution
for a case he settled back in 1990. Donald Rochon was 37 years old when
he filed his landmark discrimination suit against the FBI.
Rochon, who is black, was a young agent in Omaha, Neb., when
some troubling things started to happen. In one incident, Rochon
returned to his desk to find that someone had put a picture of
monkey over his son's face in a family photograph.
Another episode took place shortly
after Rochon learned to scuba dive. "Their ideology [was
that] blacks couldn't swim," he says. "And they put up a
photograph of me and another black person swimming in a garbage
dump." The situation escalated when Rochon
and some of his tormentors were transferred to Chicago. He
started getting death threats. In one instance, white agents
said they would cut off his genitals. Then, about a week
later, a death and dismemberment insurance policy appeared on
Rochon's desk.
"That was traced back to an FBI
agent," he says. The agent forged Rochon's signature on the
policy. The FBI supervisor said it was
harmless fun and wrote the incidents off as pranks. In separate investigations, the
Justice Department and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
saw it differently. They found that Rochon was humiliated by
agents because he was black. The former special agent in
charge of the Omaha office told the EEOC that he considered the
pranks to be "healthy" and a sign of "esprit de corps." He said
he was aware of Rochon's racial harassment complaints, but he
didn't take any formal action...