FBI Still Lying About FOIA Files
February 10. 2009

George Carlin
In conduct reminiscent of what I complained of previously
the FBI defied a Freedom Of Information Act request regarding the late comedian
George Carlin, stating there was no file. Well, they lied...again.
Shortly after, due to unflattering circumstances, the FBI mysteriously found
the file they have been keeping on crass comedy purveyor and snoop, George
Carlin, for quite some time and released 12 pages, still withholding the rest
under improper motives.
As I’ve stated before, the FBI will flat out lie to the public about cases,
criminal investigations and Freedom of Information files. They will hide files, compress them, move them out of the office, even
deliberately list them under misspelled names in their database, to keep
unconstitutional investigations quiet, which is illegal. They are defying the law of the land, Congress and the American people with
this misconduct, ensuring the public will never trust them.

FBI Director Robert Mueller
Spokesbeast Laura Eimiller told the Associated Press she would check on the
contradiction in the George Carlin incident, also known as, inquiring with
headquarters regarding what lie they want to release to the public this time. You remember Eimiller, the unwise FBI mouthpiece
contacted me with an ulterior motive (if gun boy is still upset tell him
to contact me, as I have a few choice words for him for hiding behind a woman).
In all your corruption, bullying, intimidation, rudeness, arrogance,
viciousness and ill-mannered conduct, how have you made the country better? The
nation is on a terrible downward spiral, plummeting in a financial sinkhole,
caused by the
and the
SEC's criminal negligence, in letting rich and famous degenerates run
loose and run amok, in illegal conduct that has resulted in fatalities and great
financial loss.
History shall record you in a very ugly way for it. You should have had more
pride in America than to behave so treacherously and disgracefully at the
public's expense. Many people have paid a terrible price for your failures.
Since it’s black history month, which is like April Fools to FBI headquarters
in Washington, DC and in light of the fact they killed the greatest black
American ever,
Martin Luther King jr, I’d like to send a raspberry SS salute
to head Nazi, Fuhrer, Robert “Every foreigner is a terrorist or spy” Mueller.
Keep up the bad work in improperly investigating innocent citizens that
rightly criticize the FBI’s poor conduct, while the real criminals, bloodthirsty
terrorists, plan their next attack. You are your own worst enemy. You let 9/11
go through via criminal negligence, so public expectation regarding you is quite
FBI didn't keep tabs on comedian Carlin's 7
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Talk about irony. George Carlin
spent decades pushing the bounds of free speech by saying the seven words you
can never say on television, but not one of them made it into an FBI file on
After Carlin's death, the FBI answered FOIA
requests from the AP with a form letter saying the bureau had no file on him.
FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said this week she was checking on the