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FBI Director Makes More Empty Promises June 15. 2007
The FBI announced yesterday that it has drafted new guidelines to stop abuses of the Patriot Act that were made public in a report by the D.O.J. Inspector General in March of this year and in my Sound Off Column months prior in December of 2006 click here. Another report came out yesterday, leaving the FBI’s butt out again, when more abuses were discovered. Draft FBI Rules to Curb Privacy Abuse Thursday, Jun. 14, 2007 By AP/LARA JAKES JORDAN (WASHINGTON) — The FBI is warning its agents to protect privacy rights by carefully reviewing all personal data collected from Americans in terror investigations and to remember such evidence may not remain secret. The warning came in draft FBI guidelines to be issued to correct abuses of so-called national security letters that were revealed in a Justice Department audit three months ago. The letters allow investigators to subpoena records, without court approval, in terrorism and spy cases. - Time FBI Reveals Widespread Abuse in Data Collection FBI says the agency violated rules more than 1000 times while collecting personal data since 2002--many more abuses suspected. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An internal FBI audit has found the agency violated rules more than 1,000 times while collecting data on domestic phone calls, e-mails and financial transactions in recent years, The Washington Post reported on Thursday. The number of violations uncovered by the audit was far greater than those previously documented in a Justice Department report in March, the Post said. - PC World Regarding FBI Director Robert Mueller’s latest promises regarding the agency, I will believe it when I see it. He is dirty and deceitful and not to be trusted. He has a warped sense of entitlement and justice that bears no resemblance to it. Model of a costly $40,000,000 private jet Robert Mueller is misusing:
The Privacy Act ought to be struck down. They need to start with something new, as it was nothing but a camouflaged power grab based in self-interest. It has been abused more than it has been used. I was never for certain aspects of it. It’s just a license to spy on everything under the sun with no guaranteed results, but guaranteed invasion of privacy. It seems human dignity means nothing to some anymore, in wanting to carelessly and indiscriminately delve into people’s lives across the board, yet they are quick to pass orders and laws that prevent others from seeing into their lives. Americans were offended and rightfully so, when they found out how much they were being spied on. Other countries proverbial toes have been stepped on with that monstrosity of an Act as well, in that it encroached upon their freedoms and laws with secondhand spying. The Patriot Act became like a universal sub-law that touched many other countries shores without permission. Executive power and congressional power should never trespass into Americans lives in such an invasive manner nor should it extend beyond the countries borders. Each country is a sovereign nation and has the right to be respected as such. Each country has its own laws and should not have to suffer their citizens being menaced by privacy abuses whose tentacles reached their shores, as Mueller and co.’s conduct did via what can only be called invasion of privacy. Because when you spy on the wrong person(s), you have invaded their privacy. It was reported many people were spied on who should not have been. I am not for that from any country in this world. What happens when it is used for political gain? Someone spying on someone’s campaign as a favor to a candidate. Someone listening in to a leader, political scientist or philosopher’s phone calls seeking guidance for his or her’s government job or political platform. And don’t think that’s not happening, because it is. Don’t you think those persons deserve privacy too, or does your ego and intolerance for the laws of the land trump that as well. The end will never justify the means when through abuse some destroy the most basic of freedoms – privacy in one’s own home, when on the telephone or otherwise in one’s domain. Privacy at the library and the bank. And privacy online. Everyone is being watched to such great degrees, yet the people doing the watching would be offended if they and their families were placed in the same circumstances. But of course, it is silly to think the rules would apply to them too, right. |
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