FBI Accused Of Entrapping Terrorist Wannabes
May 27. 2009

Many outlets and organizations are accusing the
FBI of
four New York men in a terror bust last week, to
illustrate to the public
they are actually doing work in Bush's lingering, so-called war on terror. However,
like the
Miami terrorism case, it involves a lot of leading from the FBI
that equates to entrapment. By all means, lock
the criminals, but make sure you're
not drawing out and leading along the generic fake terrorists, while the real,
full fledged ones are free, plotting catastrophic damage. It's just not the
same and shall lead to you settling into complacency in this fight.
FBI ‘lured dimwits’ into terror
The arrest of petty crooks over a
plan to target Jews has put the use of sting operations under fire...The
operation was acclaimed by New York officials for its success in averting
what David Paterson, the state governor, described as “a heinous crime”. Yet not every New Yorker was
impressed by the latest in a long line of purported anti-terrorist triumphs
that have supposedly averted tragedy in New York, Chicago, Toronto and
several other North American cities since September 11, 2001.
“This whole operation was a
foolish waste of time and money,” claimed Terence Kindlon, a defence lawyer
who represented the last terror suspect to be tried in New York state. “It
is almost as if the FBI cooked up the plot and found four idiots to install
as defendants.” Kindlon’s complaints were echoed
by other legal experts who have repeatedly questioned the FBI’s reliance on
undercover informants – known as confidential witnesses (CWs) – who lure
gullible radicals into far-fetched plots that are then foiled by the agents
monitoring them...
New York Synagogue Terrorist
Plot Down to the FBI?
Wednesday, 27 May 2009 01:26 -
FBINew York, May 27, (The Pal Telegraph) - The National Association of
Muslim American Women (NAMAW), allege that the recent arrest of four Muslims
for planning attacks on New York was not a plot created and advanced by the
men- but in fact it was an FBI plot...
CAIR Questions FBI Tactics in
Case of Four Bronx Dimwits
As usual, whenever news breaks of
Muslim terrorists being captured, the Council of American-Islamic Relations
(CAIR) issued a press release the next day praising the FBI for protecting
the lives of Americans. But now CAIR is questioning its previous stand on
the arrest of the four American Muslim radicals. Newspaper coverage of the
spectacular sting operation has revealed that the alleged terrorists were
"dimwits" who were "lured" into the plot by the informant, who plied them
with cash and even a promise to pay for a liver transplant for a dying