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Diddy Stole Lori Harvey From His Son Justin Combs

August 13. 2019

Sean Combs and Lori Harvey

What is 49-year-old Diddy doing stealing 22-year-old Lori Harvey, from his handsome son, Justin Combs, 25. Is he trying to give his son a complex and insecurity issues. Is Diddy trying to make his son feel like he is not man enough, because that is what said type of behavior does to a young man. Social networking is slamming Diddy for it.

Quincy (left), Justin Combs (right) and Lori Harvey (center)

If I had a daughter, never in a million years would I date her boyfriend or ex-boyfriend. It would be thoughtless and inappropriate. Just the same, if I were dating a man, never in a million years would I date his son. It's wrong and cruel. Yet, here we have Diddy, a grown man, dating his son's now ex-girlfriend.

Diddy (right) had sex with Usher (left) who was one of his many male sex partners

Diddy, are you trying to mess up your boy's head. With all the women out there who would date you, why pick one of the few who has dated your son. Did you stop to think what this would do to him. No son could take that well. It's inappropriate and poor parenting. It's clear you gave no thought to his feelings.


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