The Civil Rights Act
…And How It Was Violated At My Expense Via
What Is Actively Being Called “A Cabal”
October 20. 2007
Violations Of The Civil Rights
Theft Of My Copyrighted Catalog
Hollywood & Illegal Wiretapping
Theft Of My House By Marshall C. Watson esquire
Second Attempted Theft Of Another House I Lived In By Marshall C. Watson
Civil Rights Act Violations by Kerry Killinger Of Washington
Theft of $42,000 out of my house via lawyer Kenneth M. Meyer Who
Threatened Me Regarding Madonna
"A Cabal"

The dictionary defines the word Slavery as, "Work done under
harsh conditions for little or no pay." That's exactly what's happened to me in the Aisha v.
Madonna case.
I have worked for many years, under trying
circumstances for no pay, as a direct result of
constant copyright
infringer Madonna, criminally stealing copyrighted items from this
site and my private Copyrighted Catalog that she
unlawfully accessed.
Over a twenty-five year period, engaging in my family’s trade
of the arts (I come from two generations of writers), I authored a catalog of works that began as poetry
and music I wrote when I was a child and grew to a Copyrighted Catalog containing 10,000
songs, 300 movie scripts and short stories, 15 book manuscripts,
200 music video treatments, 500 photographs, 150 photo
treatments, a perfume line and clothing line.
My aforementioned catalog is worth billions and Madonna and her associates
in Hollywood found out about it and in criminal violation of
domestic and international law, unlawfully accessed and helped themselves to it like
animals raised by pigs. You really have to be trash to do
something that deplorable.
After she illegally accessed my
Copyrighted Catalog that's been sitting in the Library of
Congress for years, that nasty, untalented scum Madonna opened
her book of contacts in Hollywood and criminally spread my
copyrights, 25 years of my labor, all over the industry, cutting
illegal deals with items in my Copyrighted Catalog that she
doesn't own, like she is in the mafia or something.
Now the
works are spread out all over the industry to people she is
inextricably linked to by business records, financial records
and IRS records. It formed a distinct, incriminating trail that
leads right back to her and they knew what they were buying is

Anthony Pellicano
Then, in attempts to
shake my Copyrighted Catalog loose from me,
they started harassing and threatening me, as was done to others by
Madonna's now incarcerated private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, who is in jail on
federal wiretapping, identity theft and
witness intimidation charges.
They followed the Anthony Pellicano Hollywood handbook of harassment by
targeting my finances, home, privacy and worst of all me, in
criminal attempts at destroying me and illegally taking possession of my
Copyrighted Catalog, which the trash had begun to spread around
Hollywood, making dirty deals with it at Warner Bros (Edgar
Bronfman jr) and her
company Maverick, to name a few.
By the way, Madonna's private
investigator Anthony Pellicano was free when the harassment,
intimidation, threats and burglaries to my home to steal
copyrighted CD ROM discs began. He went to jail months after on
an arms possession charge.
as Pellicano was about to be freed, he was rearrested the same
day by the FBI in February of 2006, on the wiretapping charge, 5 months after I
submitted a complaint to the FBI about he and Madonna and 4
months after I was told to go into the Miami FBI for two
separate interviews.
Therefore, no one can say I read
about it somewhere and tried to claim the same. I went to the
FBI with detailed evidence 5 months before they finally picked
him up for terrorizing innocent people
for over 20 years
via illegal wiretapping, threats, harassment, intimidation,
computer intrusion and identity theft. The only reason he was
allowed to run free for that long is because he, like Madonna,
are cronies of the Clintons, with Pellicano having done work for
Hillary in silencing Bill's sexual accusers and Madonna often
going to Bill's office (TMZ even has photos of her most recent
visit to Bill Clinton's office in New York last week).

Brad Grey
To give you background on
Anthony Pellicano and his Hollywood
clients, certain executives like Brad Grey, have been sued for using
him to wiretap, threaten and harass people like comedian Gary Shandling,
in attempts to swindle them out of their money, assets and
royalties. The FBI confirmed Shandling was illegally wiretapped
by Pellicano on behalf of a rich executive in Hollywood.

Just because a star or executive has money, doesn't
mean they won't resort to dirty or illegal tactics to get more,
especially to fund their lavish lifestyles. It's been
proven they do. And like Rockefeller said when asked how much
money is enough to satisfy some greedy rich people, he replied, "Just one more
dollar." Some money hungry people don't know when to quit, until
they go too far and lose it all.
By the way, that talentless trash Madonna also illegally
passed a copy of my aforementioned vast Copyrighted Catalog to
Brad Grey at Paramount, who kept visiting the site when they
really shouldn't have known a single thing about me. Just
because I don't say I know something, doesn't mean I don't know.
You have a lot of explaining to do as to why you kept
visiting this site, then my years old unreleased copyrighted filmworks started illegally popping up at Paramount as new
projects, you scum:

Because I chose to start an independent company in Miami away
from Hollywood, they went the Anthony Pellicano route and
decided they wanted to destroy me to gain possession of my
Copyrighted Catalog (they’ve done this to other small companies
as well, who have also sued).
As Anthony Pellicano had done
to numerous people
on behalf of stars and executives in
Hollywood looking to make unearned millions, they began targeting my home,
finances and then me personally, via bribing people and calling
around asking for favors against me from companies I dealt with,
and in exchange they would invest money with them.
The first attempt came via destroying my biggest financial
asset that I could easily liquidate to protect and or put into
production my Copyrighted Catalog - my home - that had a lot of
equity in it because of all the work I had done to it.
They began targeting my home and it was connected to the thefts
of my Copyrighted Catalog worth billions.
The mortgage for my home was held by Washington Mutual, who has
significant business ties with entertainment industry
individuals involved in the case.
a corrupt, dirty Washington Mutual lawyer, Marshall C. Watson,
they illegally swindled my $450,000 valued home, forcing
me to sell it quickly at a loss to me, but great financial gain to them, in acts of fraud,
conspiracy and racketeering, in violation of the Civil Rights
Act which states:
Civil Rights Act, Title 42,
Chapter 21, #1982
1982. Property rights of citizens
"All citizens of the United States
shall have the same right, in every State and Territory, as is
enjoyed by white citizens thereof to inherit, purchase, lease,
sell, hold, and convey real and personal property."
They fraudulently put it into foreclosure through trickery.
They were about to auction it off, when I sold it out from under
them quickly (under two weeks) to an investment company I found,
at a $100,000 mark down due to the lack of time, with Marshall
Watson further criminally stealing $110,000 in equity from my

Kerry Killinger (Washington Mutual CEO)
Visits to this web site by Washington Mutual
Bank who fraudulently stole my $450,000 home. Why were they
even on my web site. Look how many hits they racked up (1,439).
Under the circumstances, it says a lot:

I gave Kerry Killinger of Washington Mutual Bank the
opportunity to rectify it, providing him with evidence of the
misconduct, but his office simply wrote back stating they want
some time to look into it, then quickly tried to auction my
house out from under me, but I beat them to the punch. They
still stole a lot of the equity, though.
Hence the Washington
Mutual Bank boycott I called for almost two months ago (their
stock was downgraded two days ago). I gave him a chance to do
the right thing and he refused and at the shareholders' expense,
in violation of the Civil Rights Act. He knows exactly
what's going on and has no excuse.
They'd previously let a hacker have access to my checking
account with Washington Mutual, then later admitted in writing
it wasn't my fault (after they let said hacker
destroy my checking account, making numerous unauthorized online
withdrawals, accruing multiple overcharge fees, then they
charged off the account, closing it).

But with my house, there was a
lot of money to steal, so it was a different story. Regardless,
they'd been targeting me in more ways than one, as was done in
the Anthony Pellicano case to numerous people.

But attempting to steal my home and then so much of the
equity wasn't enough for them. Hoping that would
have destroyed me
and made me give up all rights to my Copyrighted Catalog, they upped the ante
when it didn’t because I simply chose to move on with my life and
In April of 2006, after they
swindled my home, I had to find a
new place. There was one in the area, just a few streets away,
that I saw in passing and called the number on the real estate
sign. I met with the owner’s business partner, Gina, gave her a
check and began leasing the home from famous South Florida
television and radio personality Kelly Mitchell. She is a
millionaire with several real estate investment properties in
Not even weeks after moving in, setting up a home office, and expressing an interest
in buying the property, with figures actively being discussed,
the attorney who had stolen my home, Marshall C. Watson, sent a
process server to Kelly Mitchell's house I was leasing to
nastily serve me foreclosure papers on
her home that I DIDN’T EVEN OWN.
My father in Jamaica, a radio personality and
court Justice of the Peace, was
stunned when he found out they were targeting me again and came
to the conclusion that they are trying to run me out of America.
Clearly in attempts to fully steal my Copyrighted Catalog.
The following is a copy of the
front page of the fraudulent foreclosure lawsuit served to us,
one to me and one to my mother. My mother is an elderly woman
struggling with Guillain Barre Sydrome and because Marshall
C. Watson was being paid to criminally harass me by Madonna, he did something
so sick and repugnant, not just to me, but my mom as well.
This one was served to my mom, Millicent, where he crassly
wrote her name in blue ink on the front page (my mom's
last name has been removed for the site):

The process server started mocking me, making
jokes about my hair and telling me I had to sign the document. I told him
I don’t own the home, but he didn’t care. He maliciously served
me anyway.
When I contacted Kelly Mitchell’s business partner Gina and
told her what happened, she was perplexed and furious. So was Kelly, as her
payments were up to date. But they were targeting me again, and
now her as a result, for leasing and attempting to sell her house
to me. They were doing to her what they'd done to me in stealing
my home via a fraud.
Mitchell even gave me authentic bank documents to show that her payments
were up to date, as she was embarrassed at what that dirty
lawyer Marshall C. Watson had done.
She contacted her own lawyer and the bank, and after a
was told it was a clerical error and that the mortgage was actually being paid
and current,
just not credited due to some mysterious changeover, and once
again, a clerical error.
He couldn't go as far as he wanted to regarding Mitchell's
house, as she is on the air in South Florida. All she would have
had to do was open her mouth on the air and he would have been
in serious trouble. That was the next step. So, he backed
Kenneth M. Meyer, of
Kenneth M. Meyer of 6991 West Broward Boulevard, Suite 114, Fort
Lauderdale, Florida 33317, the main
attorney holding the money illegally, with a source even telling
me he spent some of it on luxury items, knows of the Madonna
case and even threatened me in his office over it, stated out of
nowhere the first time I met him at the real estate closing for
selling my home, "I know about you.
You like to make war with people."
Keep in mind, this was at a
real estate closing at his law office, the first time I had
ever met the man after speaking to him several times over my
phone (that a specialist confirmed is wiretapped, as in Madonna's private investigator's case) and he's threatening me
over the Madonna case. He went on and on
in detail
with his vicious, threatening rant, and said too much,
giving the game away. He's even been to this site (he came up in the
site stats).
I told him "It wasn’t me, it was them that started it"
(with the thefts of my copyrights).
But he wasn't the first lawyer she
had inappropriately threaten and viciously scream abuse at me.
She got lawyer David Bercuson to threaten and hurl abuse at me
in a devilish manner as well, when I was trying to find an
attorney to take the copyright infringement case. He
deliberately didn't tell me he works with Warner Bros artists,
asked for my legal case file, I faxed it to him, then he called
me back viciously screaming and threatening me regarding what
he, Madonna and Warner Bros would do to me.
This man viciously attacked me over the phone, hurling all sorts
of threats and abuse down the line at the top of his lungs.
He kept threatening me not to sue Madonna for stealing my
He and Kenneth Meyer are such gentlemen - their
mothers must be so proud (sarcasm). And some of you wonder why I
write the things I do on here about Madonna. You don't know the
half of what that demonic beast has been doing.
She is a coward who
hides behind people she pays to bully and threaten others,
while she steals their assets. Madonna's been publicly
accused by several people in credible British newspapers and legal cases
of bribing others. It's a habit she has. That's not called being
powerful, that's called corruption, commonly associated with
But back to Kenneth M. Meyer. Now, he is refusing to give me my
money that he is contractually obligated to disburse to me, in
the same pattern of corruption that has been present throughout
human rights
abuse case.
My elderly mother is struggling with Guillain Barre Syndrome as I wrote earlier. She needs that money
to survive, and here is this animal, Kenneth M. Meyer, stealing
it, after he has threatened me so vilely over the Madonna case.
But I'm writing all this because I want the public to know and
see, when you buy anything Madonna, this is what you're
"A Cabal"
Once people in the international community viewed
Kenneth M. Meyer's conduct
in the case, it was the straw that broke the camel's back and
caused much offense, with many people referring to it and the
combined thefts of my Copyrighted Catalog and home as "a cabal."
This has gotten back to me many times through different sources
and it hit me like a ton of bricks when I first heard it - not out of fear, but anger
and offense, as I hadn't done anything to anyone to be viciously
targeted and attacked like this. I couldn't believe people did
stuff like this.
It has brought up a lot of old slavery wounds for
black people in the domestic and international community who
know the details of what has been transpiring.
In this day and age for individuals to violate the Civil Rights
Act so flagrantly at
the expense of a black person, and one who is an immigrant, it has a
connotation and
stigma attached to it that I don't think they fully grasp, as terrible
things are being said about the misconduct in the case.
But once again, I've written about this to show you how far that piece of
trash known as Madonna has gone. It is conduct Anthony Pellicano
utilized many times in attacking people that stars paid him to
target. Stars like Madonna, who's been sued for property theft
and invasion of privacy numerous times by different people.

FBI Director Robert Mueller
The FBI knows about Richard Sarafan and
Kenneth M. Meyer's conduct, and that of
Marshall Watson, in conjunction with Madonna, and have been allowing it in violation of the
law, causing us extensive damage.
It speaks volumes that the FBI
is knowingly allowing criminals to steal money from a black
family with an elderly woman struggling with infirmity. But it
is just FBI Director Robert Mueller's way, who is a racist and
(who was first
notified of the case two years ago).
Robert Mueller also dislikes
immigrants and has retaliated against Chinese and Muslim FBI employees, in cases
that became public, much to his embarrassment.

He decided there is
more money to be made in my case by allowing a black person to be
criminally exploited
and abused by white companies, rather than bringing justice.
Robert Mueller and the FBI are not in compliance with the law of the land or
international community treaties, in any aspect of this case. The Miami FBI hasn't even given me my file under the Freedom of
Information Act, opting
to respond at all to the two requests that were sent, in
violation of federal law.
FBI director Robert Mueller's
attitude is my Copyrighted Catalog
is just too valuable for me to have, even though I authored it
and under domestic and international law it is mine, therefore
if they have to launch a cover up to allow Madonna and certain
parties in Hollywood to steal it, so be it.
The Miami FBI claimed three
times they are investigating the case, yet refused to stop
Madonna and her associates in Hollywood from plundering my Copyrighted Catalog
month after month and my personal finances in acts of grand
theft larceny, as listed above regarding Marshall C. Watson, Kenneth
Meyer and Richard Sarafan.
They've also refused to
remove the illegal wiretaps from my
phone line that a specialist confirmed and numerous people
witnessed - they must want it there
for some reason.

But once again, like I wrote
in my
UN Human
Rights Abuse complaint, the FBI hasn't changed one bit
since the days they targeted and tried to destroy Martin Luther King jr. Blacks lives
are of no value to them whatsoever, neither are immigrants.
Robert Mueller shows it time and time again.
Do you know how many cases went to the FBI after
mine and have gone ahead of mine. Me and parities in the international community
are keeping count. Robert Mueller is helping
Madonna and co., also known as aiding and abetting, in this serious misconduct that is endangering 6
million Jamaicans worldwide, in setting terrible precedents in
the abuse and willful criminal exploitation of a black Jamaican
immigrant family, without impunity, in a case currently in the
FBI's jurisdiction.
Because of this misconduct, my
family is going to end up broken up after 30 years (more on that shortly). Only in
Hollywood could someone like me with a genius IQ score, a
billion dollar valued Copyrighted Catalog and a (former) expensive house,
end up criminally robbed and exploited, terrorized, harassed,
assaulted and abused.
It speaks volumes about Hollywood, sending
a nasty message to blacks domestically and internationally, and
immigrants around the world that I don't think they fully
grasp. It further says that Hollywood heinously destroys decent
people with potential if there is a dollar to be made. "Take a
bow", pardon the pun. It will be duly noted in my book and film about the case titled
"Justice And Truth."