Carl Crawford Blames Jay Z Introducing Megan
Thee Stallion To Beyonce For The Rapper Breaking Her Contract To
Release An Album That Has Now FloppedMarch 10. 2020

Carl Crawford and Megan Thee Stallion
Wealthy baseball star, Carl Crawford, is currently
locked in a legal dispute with his rapper, Megan Thee Stallion, whom
he made famous with his money and connections, under his 1501
Certified Entertainment label (Megan
Thee Stallion New Album 'Suga' Flops Under Jay Z Management
Confirming Previous Site Claims).
Megan has stated she is trying to renegotiate her
contract, which recording artists often do when they become more
famous or sell well enough. However, based on what is being said,
Megan is trying to void her recording contract, which is not lawful.
She is the one in violation of her contract in not paying Crawford
what he is due for her shows. You are permitted to fire your manager and hire a
new one, but you still have to pay both, as you are contractually
obligated to do so.
As Crawford spent six figures to make Megan famous, is
owed $2,000,000 for concert fees and would further incur damages in the millions
from lost future earnings, Megan would have to buy out the contract. This
will cost millions. However, as I have stated in past articles, the
music industry is a business not a charity. Some entitled artists
believing their own hype expect labels to spend hundreds of
thousands and sometimes millions on making them a star, then not get
any of their financial investment back. That's not the way business

Megan Thee Stallion and Carl Crawford
Crawford blames the current legal dispute on greedy,
crooked Jay Z and Beyonce, "We gave this girl a 60-40 split.
Now go ask the artist about that. She got parts of her masters [the]
first time. You think JAY-Z would have gave her part of her masters
on her first deal with Roc Nation? F**k no. Then, she's getting
$100,000 a show and she don't want to pay up. That's what the issue
was about. She signed with Roc Nation in August and decided she
didn't wanna pay me no more."
Crawford also stated, "They're using
that as a strong-arm tactic so that I can renegotiate
the contract. They're holding the money, and they
haven't paid me since August. She done over 15 shows.
Y'all do the math. She gets $100,000 a show. She owe me,
and I haven't recouped almost $2 million that we spent
on her, building her up so that Roc Nation would wanna
come [around]. Where was Roc Nation at when we was
grinding and riding around on them backstreets? Roc
Nation was nowhere to be found. Soon as we spent our
money, blow it up, now all of a sudden, these strangers
and people you just met — they introduce you to Beyoncé
and now we the devil? We were just the angels sent from
the sky. Now, we're the devil just because Jay-Z saved
you. You're so fake."
Crawford concluded, "T. Farris is the
one. Her mom did the contract. I'm new to the business.
I let this guy T. Farris run my whole business, because
I knew absolutely nothing about it. Zero. So he wrote
your contract up. I didn't do it ... She got the dude
[T. Farris] right up under her. He's the snake. He did
the contract. They had the lawyers. How didn't you read
your contract? She signed two contacts. You signed one
with me and 300 [Entertainment]. You mean to tell me,
you, your mama and your lawyer didn't read over that
stuff every time? Stop lying. You wasn't 20, you were 23
years old. You was a grown up. You're just a liar."

Carl Crawford
The matter is currently in court, but I
do not trust the judge presiding over the case, who has
already violated the law in giving Megan clearance to
release the album "Suga" in violation of her contract
with Crawford. The label has the contractual right to
decide when releases are issued, not the judge. The
judge overstepped the mark with this terrible ruling.
How fitting that the release "Suga" has flopped, after
said terrible legal precedent. It has dented her career
as well for listening to Jay Z.
Crawford stated fame has gone to Megan's
head. However, it's actually Jay Z. He's pulled this
same stunt with many artists and athletes after others
did the hard work to make them famous. Jay Z is a leech
and degenerate that steals everything he can get his
grubby, camel hands on. His wife Beyonce is no better (Beyonce And
Jay Z Copyright Infringement).
Crawford also revealed regarding Megan,
"She just has so many holes in her story, and it's
almost on some delusional type stuff. The bubble of
Hollywood and her 8 million followers has really clouded
her head, because the stuff that she's saying is not
true. It's a whole lie. Nothing is true that she said.
Me being greedy and taking money from her, that's crazy.
I never tried to take nothing from her. The only thing
we ever did was give, give, give. Now, she fell for the
oldest trick in the industry: the conquer and divide

Beyonce and Jay Z
As I have stated for years on this
website, just because an artist has a large social media
following does not mean they will sell well. If the
material is not a hit, it will flop. It's that simple.
And Jay Z has been flopping in his own career for over a
decade. Megan should not have bought into the hype that
he could take her career to the next level, as he
doesn't know music and hasn't a clue about artist
development. Much like his ill-fated foray into boxing
turned to calamity, with a boxer losing his career, a
dozen fighters fleeing his company and others suffering
unnecessary, rigged losses and dubious wins, which has
brought heavy scrutiny on their legacy.
Jay Z is not a real businessman. He is
an arrogant, deluded crack cocaine dealer, who stole his
way into millions in the entertainment industry. He's
taken the criminality of the crack cocaine trade into
the sports industry as well, via strongarm tactics,
which has turned into another disaster for him. Crawford
stated Jay Z sent two thugs to his office in trying to
strongarm him over Megan, which is completely illegal.
However, as I have stated in past
articles, this is the type of criminal behavior the
Hollywood cult Jay Z belongs to engages in (Deranged Madonna Criminally Sent Two
Thugs To My Home). Even if you do not want to have anything to
do with them, they will insanely do their level best to
assert their deranged conduct into your life and
business, even through sick criminal means. The law is
going to catch up with them and they will regret this
legacy of thievery, greed and criminality.
Carl Crawford: 'Ask Jay-Z to Pull One of His
Artists' First Contracts, and Let's Compare It to What
Megan Got'
Carl Crawford is speaking out against
Megan Thee Stallion's recent lawsuit, in which she
accuses the former MLB star of conducting shady
business. On Sunday, Meg shared a video in which she
claimed Crawford and his 1501 Certified Entertainment
were preventing her from releasing new music. The
Houston artist signed a 360 deal but says she "didn't
know everything that was in that contract" because she
was so young. Meg claimed that under her 1501 deal, the
label takes 60 percent of her recording income, 30
percent of her touring income, and 30 percent of the
profits from merchandise sales. She said she attempted
to renegotiate the deal after her management at Roc
Nation pointed out some of the terms.
"So when I got with Roc Nation, I got
management — real management — and real lawyers. They
were like, ‘Do you know that this is in your contract?’
And I was like, ‘Oh, damn, that’s crazy — no, I didn’t
know,'" she said. "... Soon as I said, 'I want to
renegotiate my contract,' everything went left. It all
went bad. It all went left. So now [1501] tellin' a b**h
she can't drop no music. It's really just, like, a
greedy game."...
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