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Britney Spears Had Another Mental Breakdown In Manic Episode While Off Her Anti-Psychotic Meds And Her Husband Sam Ashgari Abandoned Her In A Restaurant (Video)

January 20. 2023

Britney Spears had another mental breakdown. This time in a Los Angeles restaurant. Spears became angry that other diners were taking photos of her with their mobile phones and she irrationally began yelling, screaming and speaking gibberish.

Spears has Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia and Multiple Personality Disorder. One of the behaviors exhibited by schizophrenics is disorganized speech. They speak in gibberish at times. They also write in incoherent patterns. They use illogical word patterns.

Spears fellow Hollywood cultists such as Miley Cyrus, and separately her fans on social networking, are doing her no favors in publicly pretending nothing is wrong with her, when she is very mentally ill.

This generation has issues to declare multiple medical professionals in the wrong and a clearly mentally ill person, Spears, in the right. Spears' idolatrous fans on social networking are ignoring very serious red flags.

Spears shook and bit her toddlers years ago while taking them hostage in a closet, which prompted a police standoff. Spears shaved her head bald, began speaking in demonic voices who had different names, attacked people and cars, and flashed her vagina at others, in incidents captured by the paparazzi. Years ago Spears locked herself and her sister in a room at knifepoint. She was also involuntarily committed twice to psych wards in separate incidents.

Hollywood stars and Spears' fans should not have pushed for an end to the conservatorship she was under, where Spears was required to take several anti-psychotic meds each day to keep her mental illness under control.

Britney Spears and Sam Asghari a year ago

40-year-old Spears is off her anti-psychotic medications now and it is showing. She is constantly doing disturbing things. She even attacked her housekeeper (Britney Spears Has Been Missing Doses Of Antipsychotic Medication And Is Now Under Criminal Investigation For Hitting Her Housekeeper Confirming Previous Site Claims). She is a danger to herself and others. This is dangerous and could turn fatal.

However, Spears' new husband, Sam Asghari, 26, is acting like he does not love her nor does he care. I'm of the belief her married her for the money and luxury lifestyle she lives. She was having a full blown mental breakdown in the middle of a restaurant and he walked out on her. Someone who cares about you would not do that.

Side Bar: the incident years ago regarding police being called to extract Britney Spears and her toddlers from a closet of her home, where she had locked the two boys and herself in was worse than people realize.

Allegations surfaced in the press that Spears had had shaken and bitten the toddlers. Under the madness of Madonna's Kabbalah cult that she spooled Spears into, then destroyed her mind to exploit her fame and wealth that went missing, they are devil worshippers (Hollywood Continues Its Downward Slide Into Satanism That Is Destroying The Entertainment Industry). They brag about sacrificing people. Someone in the sick cult told Britney she had to sacrifice her kids to the devil.

That's what the shaking and biting was about in the closet regarding Spears' kids and it is very alarming. Thankfully police arrived, stopped what was happening and rescued the toddlers. Spears was then strapped to a gurney and involuntarily committed to a psychiatric ward of a Los Angeles hospital.


Language in schizophrenia Part 1: an Introduction

Lang Linguist Compass. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 Aug 1.

Lang Linguist Compass. 2010 Aug; 4(8): 576–589. Gina R. Kuperberg - This is the first of two articles that discuss higher-order language and semantic processing in schizophrenia. This article reviews clinical characterizations of language output and the phenomenon of positive thought disorder, as well as more principled characterizations of language output in schizophrenia.

It also gives an overview of evidence for the predominant theory of language dysfunction in schizophrenia: that it arises from abnormalities in (a) semantic memory and/or (b) working memory and executive function. The companion article (Part 2) focuses on the study of language in schizophrenia using online psycholinguistic methods and considers how the study of schizophrenia may inform our understanding of normal language processing.

Keywords: cognition, context, DLPFC, discourse, disorganization, ERP, fMRI, language, N400, prefrontal cortex, semantic, sentence, schizophrenia, syntax, temporal cortex, thought disorder

Schizophrenia is a devastating mental disorder that affects 1% of the world’s adult population. Thought, language and communication dysfunction characterize all its symptoms, but manifest at their most extreme as positive thought disorder, with disorganized and sometimes unintelligible speech. This is the first of two articles that discuss higher-order language and semantic dysfunction in schizophrenia. It aims to give an introduction to the schizophrenia syndrome and an overview of how language abnormalities have traditionally been studied in schizophrenia from clinical, cognitive and neuroanatomical perspectives.

I describe clinical characterizations of language output in schizophrenia and the phenomenon of positive thought disorder. I also consider more principled characterizations of language output in schizophrenia and review evidence for the predominant theories of how these language abnormalities have been conceptualized. In the accompanying article, I will discuss how psycholinguistic approaches might inform the study of schizophrenia and will also consider how the study of schizophrenia may, in turn, inform theories of language processing....



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