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British Taxpayers To Face £2,000,000 Per Year Bill To Keep Islamist Hate Preacher Anjem Choudary Under Surveillance For The Safety Of The Public

November 14. 2018

Anjem Choudary

Last month, lawyer and Islamist “hate preacher” Anjem Choudary, aged 51, was released from prison in Britain. Choudary served 6-years on a 12-year sentence for inciting hatred that resulted in the murder of innocent people in unconscionable acts of terrorism. He was prosecuted under the Terrorism Act 2000.

Choudary encouraged people to join the Islamic State terrorist group. He was also the leader of the al-­Muhajiroun terrorist network, which has since been disbanded by the British government. Choudary also incited hatred and endangered the life of the Christian Pope, in publicly stating the Pontiff should be “executed.” It was an outright call to violence and a death threat against the Pope, which is unlawful.

Choudary was also fighting for Sharia law to be strictly enforced regarding everyone in Britain and Poland, two nations that are predominantly Christian. At the end of the day, you can’t force your religion on other people. Everyone in the West has rights based in free will.

Recently, the British police stated it will cost the taxpayers £2,000,000 per year to keep Choudary under surveillance to stop him from re-offending. Over the course of 20-years that equals £20,000,000 in taxpayer money (if he lives that long). That is very unfair to the British taxpayers.

Parliament needs to revise the law. That money could be better put to use helping the disadvantaged and disabled in Britain. Considering, Prime Minister Theresa May is hellbent on pushing through the very damaging Brexit (Britain’s exit from the European Union), Britain is going to need all the money it can get. For every high profile terrorist in Britain like Choudary, that £2,000,000 per year is multiplied. It would have been better had they never been let out of prison.

An attorney recently stated on TV in London that it would cost £50,000 per year to secure Choudary in prison. That’s far better than £2,000,000 per year while he walks free, after having made statements that inspired murderous acts. This is one of the reasons I think prisoners should be made to work while behind bars, making products or harvesting vegetation to help repay their debt to society. It would also act as a deterrent if they have to work harder inside of prison than they would if they were free.

The kind of fanaticism Choudary exhibited doesn’t just go away due to imprisonment (in some cases it becomes worse). If the British government catches him and others of his ilk in the act again, via the extensive surveillance they have undertaken, Choudary should be tried for inciting mass murder in encouraging people to join terror groups, and sentenced to life in prison. It is just too costly to let people like him roam free (potential loss of life to the innocent members of society he is waging war against, and the financial price to the taxpayers).

Some want Choudary deported, but he is a British born Pakistani. Under international law the British government is not permitted to deport him. If he went to Pakistan or any other nation with a terror group present and makes any form of contact, the British government could make the case for slamming the door shut behind him and terminating his citizenship, as has been done recently to a man who went to Syria to join ISIS, was arrested and is trying to return to the United Kingdom.

British born Bangladeshi, Ashraf Mahmud Islam, was arrested in Syria as a member of ISIS. The 20-yearold has been languishing in a Kurdish prison. He wants to return to Britain because he says he made a “mistake” and most British jihadis have been "killed" while the remaining few wish to come back to the United Kingdom. However, the British government has flatly rejected the idea of him returning and are in the process of terminating his citizenship. It’s the safer and most cost effective route for the British government to take.

Former Home Secretary Amber Rudd issued a letter on the matter which stated, "The reason for the decision is that is it assessed that you are a British/Bangladeshi dual national who has traveled to Syria and is aligned with ISIL. It is assessed that your return to the UK would present a risk to the national security of the United Kingdom. I am satisfied that such an order will not make you stateless."

Though he was born in London, England, his father is from Bangladesh and practices law there. Rudd implied in her letter that he acquired Bangladeshi citizenship through his father, and the Home Office terminating his British citizenship would not leave him "stateless" under United Nations laws.

There’s only one problem with that. International law is somewhat dicey in cases of dual citizenship. The United Nations has a law that states a person must not be barred from returning to their country. Under Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights regarding "freedom of movement" it states, "Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and return to his country.

Ashraf Mahmud Islam is stating he is not a citizen of his father's nation Bangladesh nor is he entitled to citizenship. However, most nations permit the children and grandchildren born to their citizens in foreign countries, to obtain citizenship as well. As a result of the dispute, a legal fight has ensued, being waged by his family in the British courts.

There should be a proviso in United Nations law regarding terrorism cases, as they are proving problematic for world nations seeking to keep their nations safe. If a person leaves the nation of their birth and joins a terrorist group, the country in question should have the legal right to terminate their citizenship, as it is simply too costly to watch terrorists 24/7, who are a danger to the community.


Hate preacher Anjem Choudary tucks into McDonald's meal after prison release

22:00, 10 NOV 2018Updated22:01, 10 NOV 2018 - Former al-Muhajiroun network leader Choudary was joined by his wife Rubana as he enjoyed a burger and chips. Hate preacher Anjem Choudary tastes freedom - as he prepares to tuck into a McDonald’s. Choudary, 51, was released last month after being jailed for inviting support to the Islamic State. On Friday he was spotted ordering a burger and fries before sitting down to eat it inside the restaurant with his wife Rubana.

An onlooker said: “I couldn’t see if it was a Happy Meal, but it certainly made Anjem smile. “Given his apparent hatred for the West, it seemed ironic to see him inside one of it’s most celebrated symbols.”…


The Isis member who wants to come home - and the letter showing Britain's bid to stop him

26 October 2018 at 6:40pm - He's missing his mum's cooking, hoping his sister's exams go well and even bringing news of a forthcoming grandchild. The letters of British-born Ashraf Mahmud Islam to his parents are often typical of any young person living away from their family, describing himself as their "big baby boy".

Except, he's writing from a Kurdish prison in northern Syria. Because he's a captured member of Isis. Ashraf Mahmud Islam has been imprisoned in northern Syria since January. Ashraf has been held by the YPG forces for the last 10 months - but it appears not indefinitely. ITV News has learned his Kurdish captors are unwilling to continue to house him and his fellow captives or put them on trial. They want to move them on. Yet actions have already been taken in Britain to stop Ashraf returning…

A Home Office spokesperson told ITV News: "Any British Citizen may be deprived of his or her citizenship if the Secretary of State is satisfied that it would be conducive to the public good, for example where they pose a threat to national security, unless to deprive would render them stateless."




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