Beyonce Sued Again For Copyright
Infringement This Time For Stealing From Deceased Rapper
Messy Mya
February 10. 2017

Chronic copyright thief, Beyonce, is in
trouble again for stealing intellectual property, which is a
federal and international crime. The dimwitted singer has
made a career out of copyright infringement and criminal
copyright infringement, in a disgusting habit that is going
to land her under indictment one day, losing everything in
court. Her fans are going to viciously turn on her in the
not too distant future over the criminal and unethical
things she has been doing to keep her fraudulent career
going that are going to end up exposed for all to see.
The latest victim of Beyonce's criminal
thefts of copyright is deceased rapper, Messy Mya, real
name, Anthony Barre. Beyonce can now add grave robber to her
résumé. Once again, she is disgusting to steal from other
artists, especially the dead. Messy Mya died a brutal death
and dirty Beyonce has stolen from him. Engaging in such
misdeeds brings bad things from God into a thief's life.

All the elements from Beyonce's formation
song and music video were stolen from others
A $20,000,000 copyright infringement lawsuit
has been brought by the estate of Messy Mya, via his sister
Angel Barre, over the singer's unoriginal song and music
video "Formation." Beyonce has developed a nasty habit of
not just stealing music, the lazy degenerate can't even be
bothered to remove the original copyright holder's vocals
from the track anymore, before ripping it off and slapping
her name on it.
Beyonce unlawfully used lines of Messy Mya's
preexisting copyrighted music and his voice on "Formation."
This is not the first time she has done this. Beyonce was
sued by Hungarian singer, artist Monika Miczura, for
stealing her Romanian song and vocals, using it for "Drunk
In Love" with her thieving husband Jay Z (Serial Copyright Thieves Beyonce And Jay Z Sued For Stealing 'Drunk
In Love' And Even Including A Clip Of The Original Artist's Voice On
The Track).

"Messy Mya" born Anthony Barre was
brutally gunned down in New Orleans, Louisiana, the hometown
of Beyonce's mother
The case was criminally corrupted in the U.S.
court system in Beyonce's favor. However, anyone who knows
music can tell it is copyright infringement. Beyonce's label
Sony is known for bribing judges with stock options and
hiring the jurists' relatives, as a means of getting out of
lawsuits for criminal behavior.
Beyonce was also slammed by other artists for
stealing items for "Formation." Beyonce stole video footage,
using it without permission for the "Formation" music video
and lifted a pretty Candaian model's photo for the video,
which the singer recreated in violation of copyright laws
(Beyonce Steals Again Illegally Using Copyrighted Footage For Her
Deceitful New Video ‘Formation’ While Ripping Off A Model's Pictures
And Is Slammed By The National Sheriffs' Association).
Beyonce Faces $20m Copyright Suit From Late YouTuber
Messy Mya's Estate
2/10/2017 - The estate of a late New Orleans
YouTube star has filed a $20 million copyright infringement
lawsuit against Beyonce over the use of his voice in her
"Formation" video. The estate of Anthony Barre, who went by
the name Messy Mya on YouTube, claims in the lawsuit filed
in New Orleans federal court Monday that Barre's voice is
featured in the introduction to the video. The complaint
alleges Barre's estate has received no payment or
Beyoncé Hit with $20M Lawsuit for Alleged ‘Willful
Copyright Infringement’
9 Feb 2017 - Beyonce Knowles is facing a $20
million copyright infringement lawsuit filed by the estate
of late New Orleans rapper Messy Mya, who claims the pop
megastar sampled his voice without permission on her hit
song “Formation.” The lawsuit, filed Tuesday in New Orleans,
claims that the voice of Messy Mya — real name Anthony Barre
— was sampled and included in the song and during Knowles’
world tour performances without the singer’s permission.
Barre was fatally shot in 2010.
According to the New Orleans Times-Picayune,
the lawsuit encompasses the following alleged uses of
Barre’s work. Messy Mya’s voice saying “What happened at the
New Orleans?” and “B—- I’m back by popular demand” in the
openings for both the audio and video recordings of
“Formation.” Later in Beyonce’s song and video, Messy Mya’s
voice can be heard saying “Oh yeah baby. I like that.”
During the Formation World Tour, Messy Mya’s
voice was heard saying “Oh yeah baby, I like that,” when
Beyonce “and the other performers move from one area of the
stage to another” about four minutes into the show, the suit
Messy Mya’s words, “B—- I’m back by popular
demand” were imitated by Big Freedia during the opening to
performances of the Formation World Tour in New Orleans and
Houston. In other cities on the tour, the words were
imitated by male performers...
Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of
American Taxpayer Money Breaking The Law In America, Britain
And Jamaica On Behalf Of Madonna's Kabbalah Center In
Committing Egregious Human Rights Abuses
Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Rita Ora
And Jessie J Sued Over Copyright Infringement, Invasion Of
Privacy, Commissioned Criminal Harassment And Assault Via
The Kabbalah Center
Beyonce Steals Again Illegally Using Copyrighted Footage For Her
Deceitful New Video ‘Formation’ While Ripping Off A Model's Pictures
And Is Slammed By The National Sheriffs' Association
Serial Copyright Thieves Beyonce And
Jay Z Sued For Stealing 'Drunk In Love' And Even Including A
Clip Of The Original Artist's Voice On The Track
Beyonce Steals Again This
Time Ripping Off Short Film For HBO Lemonade Special Resulting
In Copyright Infringement Lawsuit
Police In Florida Begin Boycotting Beyonce Over 'Formation'
Video And Super Bowl Performance In A Move That Is Spreading
Beyonce Steals Again But This Time From Sam Cooke, En Vogue And A
European Artist
Beyonce Slammed For Taking Credit For A Company's Athletic Line
She Did Not Create
Beyonce Following In Her Father Mathew Knowles' Footsteps With
Substance Abuse
Beyonce Slammed By Rapper For Stealing Images From His Album
Beyonce Steals "Countdown" Music Video From European Artist's Work
Beyonce Knowles Settles Copyright Infringement Case
Beyonce Keeps Stealing From The Braxton Family
Jay-Z And Mary J. Blige
Sued For Stealing Song
Producer: Beyonce Stole Credit For Bootylicious
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Butt Shaking
Beyonce Strikes Again
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People Again