BBC's "Doctor Who" Admits Using
People's Names, Image And Likeness In Scripts
February 15. 2010

Russell Davies
In an item mentioned in the August 2009 lawsuit Aisha v.
FBI, regarding the BBC program
"Doctor Who" using people's real names, images and likeness to base
characters on, in violation of the law (Right To Publicity) the people
behind the program admitted yesterday that they have done such things.
The writers of the show arrogantly proclaimed yesterday
that they took the image and likeness of politicians and others, used it
for the show, but added defamatory and unflattering items to it.
Yesterday they admitted, they took Margaret Thatcher's name and made her
into a very unflattering character named Rehctaht, which is her name spelled

Such conduct is plain lazy, uncreative, haughty,
cowardly and nasty. However, what's your excuse when you criminally
misappropriate the names, images and likeness of minors for your
programming, which you did to two of my younger relatives, in being
nasty to me in unprovoked conduct commissioned by Madonna (see:
Violates The Privacy Of Minors), as mentioned in the
aforementioned lawsuit. How do you justify doing such a thing to kids.
I wasn't kidding when I said I am going to sue you and
write about you and I promise you, it will be emotionally painful,
humiliating (for you) and spark changes to the law, when I get finished with you.
Imagine that, using the Queen's airwaves to terrorize people.
BBC scriptwriters tried to
use Doctor Who to bring down Margaret Thatcher
Last updated at 8:55 AM on
15th February 2010 - She battled the Argentine army
abroad and the unions at home. But Margaret Thatcher never knew she was
also under attack from outer space. Left-wing scriptwriters hired
by the BBC during the 1980s tried to inspire a 'Tardis revolution' by
using Doctor Who as propaganda to undermine the Tory prime minister. In one serial they caricatured
her as a vicious and egotistical alien ruler who banned outward displays
of unhappiness among her downtrodden people and used a secret police to
oppress dissidents.
actors and writers on the show admitted yesterday that there
was also thinly veiled support for the miners' strike and the Campaign
for Nuclear Disarmament...'The idea of bringing politics
into Doctor Who was deliberate. We were a group of politically motivated
people and it seemed the right thing to do.' ...
'I was very angry about the
social injustice in Britain under Thatcher and I'm delighted that came
into the show.'
But he added: 'Critics, media pundits and politicians didn't pick up on
what we were doing. Nobody really noticed or cared.'
The ratings plunged to
3million and the series was taken off air, reappearing for a one-off
episode in 1996 before the hit 2005 revival. A BBC spokesman said:
'We're baffled by these claims. The BBC's impartiality rules applied
just as strongly then as they do now.'
Violates The Privacy Of Minors
BBC Executive Charged As Pedophile