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Attorney Michael Avenatti Moved To Another Jail After Having A Nervous Breakdown In Being Found Guilty Of Extorting Nike

February 24. 2020

Michael Avenatti

Michael Avenatti, the former presidential candidate and attorney of porn star and stripper, Stormy Daniels, who accused U.S. President Donald Trump of paying her $136,000 to keep quiet about an alleged extramarital affair, was recently convicted in criminal court of extorting sportswear company, Nike.

Avenatti tried to extort $23,500,000 from Nike, informing the company he had dirt on them and if they wanted it to remain hidden, they’d have to pay him and his client. Nike contacted the police and they began a sting against Avenatti, whom they caught on tape engaging in criminal activity. Avenatti was indicted, arrested and convicted on extortion charges.

Avenatti has been housed at New York's Metropolitan Correction Center in the 10 South section of the facility. Avenatti’s attorney Scott Srebnick complained his client has been, “Forced to sleep with three blankets” in 40 degree weather. He was then transferred to the 5 South section of the jail, but his attorney is still complaining, stating Avenatti has reached “breaking point.”

Srebnick stated, “He was in a cell where everything he does is watched. He showered in view of cameras. He couldn’t control the lights (which reportedly never turn off). There was no privacy.” As his client is used to luxury living, the shock and starkness of an austere prison has been devastating.  

Attorneys for high profile clients incarcerated at the jail stated it is also infested with large rats and roaches. The attorney for drug kingpin El Chapo reported the pipes that supply running water also visibly contain mold, which his client was able to taste. Mold can lead to cancer and respiratory illnesses.

Avenatti has stolen millions of dollars in total from several clients (including $300,000 from Stormy Daniels). He used clients’ money to buy private jets, lavish homes and luxury goods. Avenatti has also engaged in bank fraud and tax evasion. He is expected to be tried on these charges in separate indictments.

Avenatti could very well spend the rest of his life in prison, as he's potentially facing 42-years behind bars on the Nike case alone. Forthcoming criminal cases will only spell decades more in prison if he is convicted. He is definitely in trouble. This was some very poor decision making on his part.

I remember a year ago a handful of his supporters on Twitter began tweeting items at my account,  trying to disprove my claims in articles that he is a criminal (this is before he was arrested). I maintained from day one that his behavior was not befitting a proper attorney and reeked of criminal activity (Michael Avenatti And His Client Julie Swetnick Referred To The FBI And DOJ For Criminal Investigation Over Lying In The Brett Kavanaugh Case). Then, Congress opened an investigation into his behavior and it was all downhill from there. It proved my articles correct.

What I want to know is how he thought he was going to get away with all of this criminal activity. These are serious criminal violations of the law. Avenatti stole a lot of money to live a lifestyle he was not entitled to as he did not earn it.

What a massive fall from grace. He should have satisfied with what he had, regarding income from legitimate cases and going home to his wife and children. However, he got greedy and wanted to live a wild lifestyle with Hollywood actresses, which has now caught up with him.


Michael Avenatti moved to different jail after hitting ‘breaking point’

February 22, 2020 | 4:36pm - On Feb. 14, disgraced lawyer Michael Avenatti was found guilty on all charges of trying to bilk $23.5 million from Nike, and now faces up to 42 years in prison. But there’s one thing for him to be happy about: He’s finally been moved out of the downtown Manhattan jail cell he despises.

The attorney, who represented porn star Stormy Daniels in a failed 2018 suit against Donald Trump, was arrested last March and charged with attempting to extort the shoe brand over illegally funneled payments to college basketball players.

In January, ahead of his trial, he was transferred from a California facility to the notorious 10 South — a jail deep inside the Metropolitan Correctional Center in TriBeCa that Avenatti’s Miami-based attorney Scott Srebnick described to The Post as “sheer dehumanization.”...




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