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1 In 3 U.S. University Students Believe China Is The Most Powerful Nation In The World

August 7. 2019

U.S. President Donald Trump

A poll conducted of U.S. university students reveals that 1 in 3 are of the belief that China is the most powerful nation on earth. China’s rise to prominence occurred during the George W. Bush administration (2000-2008). This is where America began losing the lead in the world. China turned its focus to rising in the world via expanding their economy, while Bush focused on wars, namely in Iraq, which killed over 6,000 U.S. soldiers and 1,000,000 Iraqi civilians.

China ramped up manufacturing to America and many nations of the world, earning them trillions of dollars in trade. They used hard work to advance in the world. China released reports revealing they have pulled the poorest of their citizens out of abject poverty. While the poor, middle class and upper classes in China benefited from the financial windfall as well. China increased its financial strength and military might during this time. Many new cities have been built in China with the nation’s newfound wealth.

Chinese President Xi Jinping

Technically, many global reports recognize America as the most powerful nation in the world. However, the 2008 financial crisis, a pronounced reduction in manufacturing in America, increased importation to the U.S., and China’s rise in the world of trade, has tipped the balance in the East’s favor regarding global rankings. It's undeniable.

America and China are currently locked in a trade war initiated by Washington. China has retaliated each time with new tariffs of their own. America is at a disadvantage in the trade war, as China manufactures far more products in the world and can ramp up their exports to other nations to make-up for the losses. Meanwhile, American farmers, fishers and merchants in stores and online, are feeling the financial losses to the tune of billions, due to the retaliatory tariffs added by China in response to the new taxes levied by Washington.


A new poll shows that 30 percent of college students believe that China is the most powerful country in the world.

Jul 31, 2019 at 12:26 PM EDT - U.S.-China relations have been a hot button issue as of late, with the Trump administration engaging in a trade war and also warning against potential national security threats from the communist nation. A new poll shows that about three in ten American college students say that China is more powerful than the U.S.

The survey, conducted by College Pulse, collected responses from over 27,000 college students. Altogether, 8,394 respondents (30 percent) claimed that China, not the U.S., is the most powerful country in the world. China was the second-most selected nation in the poll, trailing only the U.S. Although the U.S. won the plurality of votes, it received just under half of the total responses (48 percent) from survey participants.

Other notable nations include Russia (six percent), the United Kingdom (four percent), and Germany (three percent). Campus Reform has previously conducted interviews with college students, some of whom have said that America is not the greatest country in the world.




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