Woman Beats, Burns And Suffocates Her
1-Year-Old Son To Get Back At His Father For Finding Another
April 24. 2017

Jamelle Peterkin in a Houston, Texas court
on child abuse charges
Here's more proof men need to be careful
with their sperm. 23-year-old Jamelle Peterkin, tortured her
son to get back at the child's father, for finding a new
girlfriend. Peterkin took videos and pictures as she abused
her 1-year-old son, via placing and tying a plastic bag over
his head to impair his breathing, stuffing a plastic bag in
his mouth, holding a lighter to his fingers, burning him
with cigarettes and slapping him around. That is awful. No
one, especially a child, should endure such mistreatment.
Peterkin then sent the abuse photos and
videos to the baby's father, as punishment for him dumping
her and finding a new girlfriend. Determined to get rid of
his new girlfriend, she made the aforementioned threats
using the photos and videos, sent to her ex-partner and his
family stating such things as, "That's okay. We can keep
playing. Let's see how bad y'all wanna be together."
Peterkin was abusing her child and using it
as leverage in trying to force her ex-partner to dump his
new girlfriend. Authorities were called and Peterkin has
been arrested. She appeared in a Houston courtroom on child
abuse charges and posted $15,000 bond. The judge presiding
over the case has ordered her to stay 200 feet away from her
son. Peterkin must make further appearances in court until
the case is completed. In the face of such solid evidence,
she is facing a conviction.

Toddler being suffocated by his mother to
get back at the child's dad who dumped her for someone else
Some men do not care who they knock up, while
others are trapped by a woman via a deceitfully planned
pregnancy, where conception occurs without his knowledge
(woman lies to the man that she is on birth control in a bid
to trap him with a pregnancy).
Some men have sex with women they know are of
poor character, not thinking about the consequences. They
see warning signs, but ignore them in favor of cheap sex
with someone they do not love. Then, they go on to pay the
price for their lack of self-control, when the questionable
woman they have impregnated raises their child poorly with a
gross lack of ethics and education or as we see in this
case, abuses the child out of resentment and bitterness for
the dad.
Men need to think ahead to the long term
regarding what happens when they knock up a cheap, scheming
unethical woman. She will not properly educate your child.
She will not teach your child the proper life lessons. She
will not impart the correct wisdom and ethics to your child
to give your offspring every opportunity to be as successful
as possible in life. Your child will be at a disadvantage.
Some people just do not have the right priorities in life
and have no real drive regarding what is important.

Baby was burned with cigarette by his
mother, who sent the above posted vindictive text to the
child's dad
Some women take out their anger and
resentment for their child's father on the offspring. Some
children face emotional, mental and physical abuse for this
reason. Some women also resent their children who look like
the child's father, as it is a reminder of the man who
dumped them or treated them badly. However, no child
deserves to be abused for any reason.
Men need to stop going around knocking up
women they have no intention of committing to in any
measure. The consequences of such acts are far reaching, as
it also places the child in a difficult situation, between
two warring parents who resent each other. Some women use
their children as pawns to hurt the dads or extract huge
sums of money from them in excess of what is required. Then,
there are the dads who do not financially contribute to
their children's upkeep.
People should make sure they are ready to
bring children into this world before they conceive and it
should be a mutual decision. Women who believe they can make
a man love them by getting pregnant without telling him
first, are sorely mistaken. It never works. So many women
have been hurt and devastated when lust turns to hate from a
man who was not ready for fatherhood that was thrust upon

Plastic bag stuffed in baby's mouth by his
mother who sent photos and videos of the child abuse via
text messages
Not to mention, just like he can knock you
up, he can get someone else pregnant as well. Then his
attention will be divided even more. A baby does not mean a
man will love you. Women with that mentality need to realize
they cannot force a man to love them. He either does or does
Think about it, if you were a man and you
decided to have sex with someone you did not love, have no
intention of marrying, do not want to be the parent of a
potential future child, only slept with them out of lust in
what was supposed to be a temporary fling, but they get
pregnant without telling you and now you have the
responsibility of financially paying for and co-parenting.
How would you feel. Therefore, why put yourself in that
situation regarding someone who could potentially turn on
you for trapping them.
Whoever you choose to have a child with in
life, make sure the person is the correct one for you, to
avoid potential heartbreak and distress to all involved,
including your offspring. Make sure you love that person and
they love you as well. Make sure it is a decent, smart
person who will raise your child well and give them all the
tools possible to succeed in life.
Mother 'recorded herself torturing her one-year-old son and
sent the videos to relatives because she was upset the
child's father had a new girlfriend'
Published: 13:24 EDT, 17 April 2017 | Updated: 16:24 EDT,
17 April 2017 - A Houston-area woman accused of placing a plastic bag
over the head of her 1-year-old son and sending video of the
abuse to relatives appeared in court Monday. Jamelle Peterkin, 23, was charged with endangering a
child. She also allegedly sent video and photos of her boy with
a plastic bag stuck in his mouth.
The boy's aunt, Ra'Neicha Broadnax, said that in recent
days she received videos and pictures from Peterkin also
showing the child being slapped and having a lighter held to
his fingers, ABC13 reported. Broadnax, who said she began receiving the messages on
April 13, said Peterkin indicated she was angry about the
father's new girlfriend...