When Celebrity Marriages Go Wrong
Marriages, Affairs And Legal Entanglements
November 6. 2007

Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston
When celebrity marriages go wrong it can get ugly – at least
from a public perspective on the publicity side. A lot of
terrible un-attributed quotes are presented as fact, when the
public often truly does not know what is going on behind the

Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston wedding photo
Infidelity often steps into the picture, as there is often a
lot of temptation thrown famous people’s way that they sometimes
do not say no to.

Famous women are usually more faithful than famous men.
However, a few women have been caught in compromising situations
that led to the demise of their marriages.

Jennifer Aniston photo shoot
Tabloids love this. It creates a feeding frenzy that is often
humiliating for the famous parties involved and their families
as well.

Jennifer Aniston
Children are sometimes mocked at school over their parents’ sexual indiscretions. That can be very traumatic for a child and
often there isn’t much that can be done to screen them from such

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
One of the most high profile splits in recent celebrity
history was actress Jennifer Aniston and actor Brad Pitt. News
of it was everywhere, which could not have been great for the
parties involved.

Angelina Jolie
Pitt went to work on a film titled Mr. and Mrs. Smith, costarring actress Angelina Jolie. Shortly after rumors began
seeping out from the set of an affair. And of course, the press
went into overdrive compounding Aniston’s grief. Jolie denied
the allegations of infidelity with Pitt.

Jennifer Aniston
Hey, which woman really wants to go through something like
that, but Pitt clearly was at fault. Can’t blame the woman cause
you can’t keep it zipped. Same goes for women who cheat. You
can’t blame the man in a case like that.
The issue of money always comes into play in these divorces.
It’s the loss of one income in a household. Even if you pay
alimony and child support, the household has still lost a great
deal of its wealth.

Shaquille O'Neal and Shaunie
In the case of newly separated basketball star Shaquille
O’Neal and his estranged wife Shaunie, money is going to be an
issue because of his tax bracket.

Shaq's Star Island House
Shaq's house, the former home of Heat basketball player, Rony Seikaly, sold for
$5 million in the 1990’s and due to Miami's rise in popular years after, is now worth $30 million.

Miami Beach's Star Island
O’Neal’s net worth is estimated to be $300 million. That can
buy a lot of copies of Kazaam (just playing). With 5 children
between them there is much to do in the way of financial

When Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt
split, they were each
thought to have a net worth of $100 million dollars. You know,
Friends didn’t pay Aniston much, especially towards the end -
something like $1 million per episode – wow she was broke (that
was a joke).

They'd bought a home for $12.5 million dollars, then once the
separation hit, put it on the market and sold it for $22.5
million. They also shared a production company called Plan B
Entertainment that is responsible for several films.
Aniston transferred all interest in the company to him as apart
of the divorce.

Pitt Traded Beverly Hills For Malibu - How
Long Before He Changes His Mind Again
Therefore, they had to separate the money and extricate each
individual’s assets from the other to make a so-called clean
break. Then he entered into a relationship with Angelina Jolie and
her cute United Colors of Benetton family (ok, bad joke).

Angelina Jolie
Beverly Hills born Jolie is also thought to be worth $100
million dollars (is that like the standard number for net worth
or something? Is no one worth $101 million or $125 million
Pitt and Jolie’s relationship may terminate in the not too
distant future. You never know, as dude has a wandering eye and
keeps picking younger chicks every few years. And with baby
Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, hanging around…you never

Angelina (left), Angelina 2.0 Megan Fox
As a general rule, I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t pick
someone that looks that much younger than me, as it would make me
look that much older. I’m just saying. It’s free advice. Do with
it what you will.
All jokes aside, marriage requires commitment and when one or
both parties let the other down it can get pretty sad. Some divorces, painful as they may be, aren't
plagued by dramatic public scenes...

...and some are:

Whitney Houston at the pinnacle of her career
was said to have a net worth of $240 million and Bobby Brown at
the height of his fame, $30 million.

Bobby Brown And Whitney Houston Wedding In
They wed in a big ceremony in 1992 attended by
800 guests. It made headlines, as the two seemed an unlikely
pairing. For a time things seemed well.

They settled in Houston's home
state of New Jersey in a town called Mendham, where she'd purchased
an $11,000,000 home and later an adjacent parcel.

She also bought
homes in Miami, Los Angeles and Atlanta. Brown additionally
purchased and sold a home in Atlanta as well. They lived a
lavish lifestyle off their earnings.

Houston and daughter Bobby
After 14 years of marriage, they acrimoniously
broke up, with news of financial problems hitting the press. The divorce went through, apparently uncontested, as
Brown did not make an appearance in the case. Brown has
since contested the divorce and requested alimony.
isn’t a walk in the park. It’s leaving someone you pledged your
life to because they cheated or you cheated. This infidelity can be avoided,
which is a good idea for the sake of all