When Bitterness Infiltrates Custody Cases
May 19. 2021

In writing articles for this
website, I have read so many custody cases, both
famous and non-famous. People permit their
bitterness and anger over relationships negatively
impact their children. Women and men sometimes use
their children to spite each other and that is not a
healthy environment for a child.
Just because your child does not
fully express their feelings does not mean there is
no hurt at your behavior. Children should be
permitted to see both parents (provided both are
proven fit by the courts). To deprive a child of one
of their parents can cause resentment, anger,
confusion, embarrassment and feelings of rejection
in your offspring. Kids tend to keep these things
bottled up and it festers.
A child should have access to both
their parents and without the rancor of two people
trying to get back at each other over a failed
relationship. Behave like adults, grown people with
functioning brains, and stop exposing your children
to your relationship having failed. That's not your
child's doing. Your child should not suffer for
Parents should provide a stable,
healthy and productive environment for their child
to thrive. Focus on the good and happy things. Make
sure their childhood is good. Put your differences
aside and do what's best for your child.