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What Will Obama Do If He Doesn’t Get Reelected

What If This Is Where His Presidential Legacy Will Conclude

September 14. 2011

Barack Obama

With the 2012 presidential election rapidly approaching, what will President Obama do if he is not reelected, as polls indicate. As it stands, his legacy is not in a good place. He is embedded in world history for historic spending and America reaching record economic lows during his time in office. How can this be a good thing.

Obama has very little time left to possibly change his legacy before the next election. After 2 years and 9 months of failed stimulus spending, unsuccessful financial policies and a new war, what does he plan to do to reverse this dismal presidential record. 

One has to wonder, does it matter to him how he is remembered, as the political action he continues to take is quite risky, ill advised and indicative of someone that somehow no longer cares what happens. Why has Obama listened to the wrong people. 


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