Wendy Williams Ex-Husband Facing Foreclosure And
Financial Ruin After Cheating On Her And Causing Her
Mental Breakdown
December 5. 2022

Wendy Williams
Court documents indicate Kevin Hunter, the cheating
ex-husband of talk show host, Wendy Williams, is
going broke and facing foreclosure. He has
reportedly been demanding more money in alimony
support payments to maintain his luxury lifestyle
and that of the woman he cheated on Williams with
for years.
Williams was so devastated when she found out, via
tabloid, that Hunter was cheating on her with a
younger woman, and had taken her money to buy them a
$750,000 house he maintained a few miles away from
their marital home. Hunter also bought his mistress
a 5-carat diamond ring and Ferrari with Williams'

Kevin Hunter, Wendy Williams and their son Kevin
Hunter Jr
Williams had a complete mental breakdown and had to
go into in-patient therapy at a private facility.
She also needed treatment for addiction as she was
using narcotics as a crutch, which is dangerous and
self-destructive. No man is worth that. Williams has
over $20,000,000 in the bank and nearly lost all
control of her money, as her psychiatric problems
brought on by her husband's terrible behavior left
the bank deeming her incapacitated and in need of a
conservatorship. Once again, no man is worth that.
Hunter also messed himself up with this behavior.
When his cheating and grotesque betrayal caused
Williams to end up under psychiatric care, she lost
her show, as she was unable to properly function
anymore (she had a psychotic break). Williams'
earnings have gone right down, which has negatively
impacted her ability to pay Hunter alimony. That's
the one good thing that has come out of this, as he
doesn't deserve the money for ruining her life.
Wendy Williams Fighting For Her
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