Was Harry Styles
2023 Grammy Win Deserved?
February 8. 2023

Harry Styles
Pop singer Harry Styles won the 2023 album of the
year Grammy for "Harry's House" but was it deserved. Styles'
artistry is just about non-existent, as it is very derivative. The
lead single from "Harry's House" is also a rip-off.
Whilst in a ride share a few months ago I heard one
of Styles' songs entitled "As It Was." The second I heard it I
realized it was a rip-off of the massive 1980s hit song "Take On Me"
by A-Ha. He does not deserve to be rewarded for stealing others
Styles parades around stage dressing, dancing and
acting like Mick Jagger, which infuriated the Rolling Stones'
frontman. Then, at other times Styles is trying to imitate the late
pop singer/actor, Elvis Presley.

Lizzo and Adele shocked and puzzled Harry
Styles won
There is no originality there. He's a man trying to
be edgy by following his handlers' orders in Hollywood to dress like
a woman and steal others' music and distinct styles, pardon the pun.
The people who know music are not fooled.
Styles is also being told by his handlers to be
bisexual for the cameras, but at the end of the day he is being
controlled by them, via illegal drugs and manipulation tactics
psychologists have identified as those used by cults. Older men in
Hollywood have also passed him around, as they prey on young boyband
members and child stars in a terrible way.
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