Vladimir Putin Labeled Mentally
Ill Confirming Previous Claims
March 22. 2022

Vladimir Putin
Before Russian President, Vladimir
Putin, began killing scores of people in Ukraine,
via his illegal war in the sovereign nation, I
stated in a February 26, 2022 in a time stamped
tweet, "Putin's mind is gone. The Russians should
remove him for their own safety, well being,
financial health & existence. He's not of sound mind
to think he can bomb his way into taking over the
old Soviet Union states & Poland, then move further
west. The world will not tolerate it."
Weeks later a number of publications
began openly branding Putin mentally ill. Putin's
mind is gone. He has been showing signs of
psychopathy for years. Journalists who peacefully
spoke out against him were barbarically shot to
death or poisoned on his orders.
Putin routinely maintains a cold,
emotionless demeanor regarding the way he laughs,
then abruptly stops, quickly replacing it with a
very evil stare in a matter of two seconds, in what
is a sign of mental illness. As a point of
reference, Kanye West, is another individual who
does this.

My tweet on
Prior to the war in Ukraine, Putin
routinely behaved like a sociopath, engaging in
cruel acts meant to terrorize and traumatize others.
There is absolutely no conscience there. Only
sadism. For example, when Putin learned former
German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is afraid of dogs,
he brought a ferocious dog to a formal meeting with
her, as a form mental abuse and harassment. Merkel
was terrified. Only a sociopath with no thought to
others feelings and well being would knowingly do
such a thing.
Putin's soldiers, on his orders,
have been not only killing adults in Ukraine, during
his illegal war, but children and babies as well.
Putin's soldiers have knowing sprayed with bullets
cars containing children and babies. They have
knowingly dropped bombs on maternity hospitals and
other structures that visibly indicated children
were present. This behavior is abnormally evil and
Putin has watched as his nation has
been hit with record sanctions from all over the
world due to the aforementioned war. It has
decimated the Russian economy and impoverished many.
However, these hardcore sanctions have failed to
curb Putin's murderous behavior that constitutes
acts of genocide and mass murder. Only an
irrational, psychotic person would continue the
deranged behavior in the face of such serious
punishments. You're not dealing with a rational man
and this makes things all the more dangerous.
Is Putin mad? US debates if there’s ‘something
off’ with Russia’s president and how it affects the
Ukraine war
March 16, 2022 11:02 am (Updated
5:28 pm) - With Russia’s onslaught against Ukraine
in full swing, officials of US President Jo Biden’s
administration continue to sidestep a question that
is posed to them daily: do they still view Vladimir
Putin as Russia’s legitimate leader, and therefore a
man with whom it remains possible to develop a
relationship – however difficult – once the Ukraine
war ends?
Regime change in Moscow is not
America’s official policy. But just three weeks
after French President Emmanuel Macron was trying to
broker a last-ditch Biden-Putin summit to defuse
tensions over Ukraine, White House officials are
hesitant to indicate publicly whether they are
willing to recognise that the Kremlin leader has a
long-term role to play.
Blame some of the reticence on
competing viewpoints in Washington about the Russian
leader’s mental health. It’s been 36 years since
former President Ronald Reagan publicly described
Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi as “the mad dog of
the Middle East”, and political correctness today
might prevent that kind of phrase tumbling from a US
President’s lips. But voices both inside and outside
Biden’s inner circle believe that Putin is no longer
the man he used to be.
Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the
House of Representatives, suggested earlier this
month that Putin is suffering from some kind of
illness. “Some people say he has cancer and some
people say he has brain-fog from Covid,” she told
reporters, conceding that “others just think he’s a
complete, raging bully”.
Republican Senator Marco Rubio of
Florida argued that “it’s pretty obvious… that
something is off with Putin”, adding that “it would
be a mistake to assume that this Putin would react
the same way he would have done five years ago”.
Former National Security Council
official Fiona Hill – herself a Putin biographer –
describes the Russian leader as “isolated” during
the pandemic and developing a “distorted perception
of reality”. Her old boss, former National Security
Adviser HR McMaster told CBS News that Putin is “no
longer a rational actor”.
That, of course, presumes that he
was a “rational actor” in the first place. Yet some
observers of the Russian leader’s career argue it is
far too easy for western policymakers – many of whom
have misread the Russian leader for years – to
suggest that Vlad has suddenly gone mad.
In the reduction of Ukrainian cities
to rubble, they point to clear parallels with
Russia’s scorched-earth military conduct during two
separate wars in Chechnya and the flattening of
Aleppo in Syria.
It was the Chechen conflict that led
Putin to begin his crackdown on independent media in
Russia that has now lasted more than two decades and
left the entire population – not just its leader –
isolated from reliable information.
Former Russian foreign minister
Andrei Kozyrev – a staunch Kremlin critic – argues
that “Putin is a rational actor” and that the
invasion of Ukraine is “horrific but not
Kozyrev argues Putin “spent the last
20 years believing that Ukraine is not a real nation
and, at best, should be a satellite state”. He says
Kremlin insiders lied to the Russian leader about
the country’s military strength for fear of
admitting military budgets were “stolen and spent on
mega yachts in Cyprus”.
Kozyrev also claims Putin’s top
lieutenants persuaded themselves “that President
Biden is mentally inept…and that the EU is weak”,
conclusions underpinned by the West’s lame response
to Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea.
US intelligence agencies have vast
departments responsible for maintaining
psychological profiles of world leaders and tracking
their behavioral changes. Those overseeing the Putin
profiles at both the CIA and the NSA are either
struggling to keep up with the Russian leader’s mood
swings, or arguing that his behavior is not wildly
at odds with his extensive track record...