Vladimir Putin's General Let It
Slip They Intend To Invade Moldova Next Confirming
Previous Site Claims
April 25. 2022

Vladimir Putin
New press reports state a general of
Russian President Vladimir Putin let it slip that
they intend to criminally invade the nation of
Moldova next. Yahoo News reported, "Russian military
commander Rustam Minnekaev now says the second phase
of President Vladimir Putin’s 'special operation' is
focused on establishing a 'land corridor' from the
Donbas all the way to Moldova, which would cut off
the rest of Ukraine from the sea."
This confirms what I stated from day
one of Putin's illegal war in Ukraine that he
intends to take over all of Europe. He also has his
eyes on other nations beyond Europe as well (Former Russian President States
Vladimir Putin Is Trying To Takeover Europe From Russia To Portugal
Confirming Previous Site Claims and
Belarus President Gives Away The Fact Vladimir Putin
Seeks To Invade Multiple Countries In Europe Not
Just Ukraine Confirming Previous Claims
Russian Television Broadcasts Plans For Invading And
Taking Over The Baltic States And Sweden Confirming
Previous Claims).
Russian General Lets Slip a Secret Plan to
Invade Another Country and Seize Ukraine’s Entire
Fri, April 22, 2022, 7:58 AM - As
Russian troops tighten their grip on the strategic
port town of Mariupol, their strategy is finally
becoming clear. Russian military commander Rustam
Minnekaev now says the second phase of President
Vladimir Putin’s “special operation” is focused on
establishing a “land corridor” from the Donbas all
the way to Moldova, which would cut off the rest of
Ukraine from the sea.
“One of the tasks of the Russian
army is to establish full control over the Donbas
and southern Ukraine. This will provide a land
corridor to the Crimea, as well as influence the
vital objects of the Ukrainian economy,” Minnekaev
said Friday at a meeting with the Union of Defense
Industries, as reported by the Russian state-owned
Interfax. “Control over the south of Ukraine is
another way out to Transnistria, where there are
also facts of oppression of the Russian-speaking
Transnistria is a separatist region
of Moldova that has so far not been officially
involved in the war despite hosting a Russian
military base since the 1990s. The general’s words
suggest that Moldova’s sovereign borders would also
come under threat from further Russian expansion.
Phony efforts to protect Russian-speaking peoples
have often foreshadowed Putin’s imperial
War Criminal Vladimir
Putin Falsely Invokes The Name Of Jesus In Regard To War In Ukraine
Former Russian President States
Vladimir Putin Is Trying To Takeover Europe From Russia To Portugal
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