U.S. Unemployment Claims Are High
Again Due To Coronavirus (Covid-19)
October 29. 2020

President Donald Trump and House Speaker Nancy
Last week 787,000 Americans filed for
unemployment due to the coronavirus (COvid-19) which is
wreaking havoc on the economy (787,000 New Unemployment Claims
Filed In America This Week Due To Coronavirus (Covid-19)).
This week 751,000 Americans (as opposed
to the 778,000 the government was expecting) filed for
unemployment, indicating the job market in America is
still experiencing significant problems due to the virus
and its accompanying lockdowns for health and safety
Channel 6 in Miami did a piece
illustrating many Americans have filed for unemployment
but it is still on hold. A lady featured on the program
lost everything and had to move in with a friend and
place her belongings in storage, while waiting on
When her unemployment finally came
through after 8-months of unsuccessfully trying, the
amount totaled over $17,000. Channel 6 was able to make
calls and push through her unemployment claim. However,
how many people in America without the help of a
television network are losing everything while waiting
on unemployment checks.
U.S. weekly jobless claims total 751,000, vs
778,000 expected
Published Thu, Oct 29 20208:30 AM EDT
Updated Thu, Oct 29 20209:27 AM EDT - Initial weekly
U.S. jobless claims fell to 751,000 for the week ending
Oct. 24, down 40,000 from the previous week. It was the
lowest initial claims report since the week of March 14,
when they came in at 282,000...
The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Sent The U.S. Economy
To Historically High Unemployment Levels (Video)
787,000 New Unemployment Claims
Filed In America This Week Due To Coronavirus (Covid-19)