U.S. President Joe Biden's
Economic Job
Numbers Are The Worst Since 1998
May 10. 2021

Joe Biden
Joe Biden wanted to be President of
the United States at all costs, even though he is
unqualified to hold the position. Biden has dementia
and does not understand domestic or global economic
matters. In a bizarre election bearing the signs of
fraud, Biden, who was unpopular and mocked when he
was vice president from 2008-2016, all of a sudden
received more votes than any other president in U.S.
history, and by a wide margin.
Now that he has the job, reality is
setting in. Biden is in over his head. The April job
numbers are worse than his government and economists
expected. Biden has posted the worst job numbers
since 1998. It turns out for Biden that
regurgitating and plagiarizing feel good quotes he
read elsewhere, doesn't fix a severely broken
economy. He is not equipped to fix the U.S. economy.
Before the pandemic took root, I
warned the U.S. economy was going to take a massive
hit and fall from number one in the world. A year
later that is exactly what began to happen and is
continuing (China Set To Overtake The U.S.
Economy As The World Number One Due The Coronavirus And How It Was
Handled By The Government Confirming Previous Site Claims).
China has now surpassed America in
many economic categories, such as becoming the top
destination for foreign investment. China also
posted a sizeable profit during the pandemic (2020).
America posted record job and financial losses.
China Overtakes U.S. as World’s Leading
Destination for Foreign Direct Investment
Updated Jan. 24, 2021 7:40 pm ET
-China overtook the U.S. as the world’s top
destination for new foreign direct investment last
year, as the Covid-19 pandemic amplifies an eastward
shift in the center of gravity of the global
New investments by overseas
businesses into the U.S., which for decades held the
No. 1 spot, fell 49% in 2020, according to U.N.
figures released Sunday, as the country struggled to
curb the spread of the new coronavirus and economic
output slumped.
China, long ranked No. 2, saw direct
investments by foreign companies climb 4%, the
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
said. Beijing used strict lockdowns to largely
contain Covid-19 after the disease first emerged in
a central Chinese city, and China’s gross domestic
product grew even as most other major economies
contracted last year.
The 2020 investment numbers
underline China’s move toward the center of a global
economy long dominated by the U.S.—a shift
accelerated during the pandemic as China has
cemented its position as the world’s factory floor
and expanded its share of global trade...
China’s 2020 GDP means it will overtake U.S.
as world’s No. 1 economy sooner than expected
January 18, 2021 5:00 AM EST - Our
mission to make business better is fueled by readers
like you. To enjoy unlimited access to our
journalism, subscribe today. China's standout
economic growth in 2020's pandemic-battered global
economy has led analysts to update their forecasts
for when China will overtake the U.S. as the world's
largest economy to as early as 2026.
On Monday, China reported a
year-on-year increase of 6.5% for the fourth quarter
of 2020 and a 2.3% increase for all of 2020,
surpassing analysts' forecasts and making China the
the only major economy to log positive growth in
China Set To Overtake The U.S.
Economy As The World Number One Due The Coronavirus And How It Was
Handled By The Government Confirming Previous Site Claims
China Has Won The Trade War Against
The United States Confirming My Previous Predictions