U.S. Intelligence Wants President Joe Biden Out
Of Office
August 19. 2021

Joe Biden
I have it on very good authority,
in another exclusive, that U.S. intelligence (the CIA and
FBI) want Joe Biden out of office for his failures.
They want to overthrow him. They do not want Biden
having another term after the massive fiasco that
has been his first 6-months in office.
The fiasco in Afghanistan has
brought things to a boiling point in U.S.
intelligence circles. They are embarrassed at the
national and global reaction to the Taliban taking
over Afghanistan, after Biden abruptly pulled out of
the country, not thinking ahead to the consequences.
Biden should be very concerned about
this. The FBI and CIA began undermining and secretly
overthrowing former U.S. President Donald Trump,
using underhanded and unlawful methods. They are now
going to do the same thing to him. You have to
remember who you're dealing with, as many FBI and CIA employees
like Peter Strzok:

The FBI Agent Who Set Up And Rigged
The Attempted Kidnapping Of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Arrested
For Trying To Beat His Wife To Death After A Swingers Sex Party
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