Travis Scott Has Cheated On Kylie
Jenner Many Times
July 4. 2022

Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner
Rapper Travis Scott and reality
star, Kylie Jenner, have been dating for a few
years. The couple have two small children. Jenner's
mother, the awful stage mom, Kris Jenner, likes to
send out press releases and use their relationship
to generate publicity for the family's reality
struggling shows.
What the public does not know is
their relationship is a mess. Travis has cheated on
Jenner many, many times. There has been a slew of
women he's cheated with for years. Some think Khloe
Kardashian is the one in the family with the cheater
(Tristan Thompson) but Travis cheats even more than
Tristan does, but has not gotten caught.
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