Tragedy In Burma
Monks Murdered For Peacefully
Standing Up For Change
October 24. 2007

A week ago the BBC ran a piece on the current
crisis in Burma, where a rogue regime that illegally seized power has been
slaughtering innocent monks that have been protesting the lack of rights in
their country.
Innocent people are being killed for peacefully
disagreeing with a non-elected cabinet and it has descended into disorder and
chaos. When you see things like this you remember that there is evil in this
It doesn’t get much worse than this. When you
start harassing, spying on, jailing and snatching peaceful religious people out
of their homes and off the streets for sinister reasons, just know that you have
gone too far.

You can’t say they are violent, gun-toting
criminals. These are monks being attacked and killed. There was no provocation
and thus, there is no justification for this.
The Burmese people don’t deserve this. I saw a
photo of bodies of monks, covered in blood, floating in a river. That picture
was so jarring.
I also saw a picture of a Japanese journalist
mercilessly being shot in the chest for daring to film the human rights abuses.
He later died.

Said regime needs to step down, as their conduct
is in defiance of the will of their people and bringing death and disaster upon
It is not hidden. The whole world is watching
and we do not believe it to be a lie. Anyone can log on to the Internet, use a
global map service and see what’s going on there.
This type of barbarism should not exist in our
world. These are modern times. Caveman philosophies on running government have
no place in contemporary society.
Monks are a symbol of peace to most, yet they
are being brutalized in cold blood, for peacefully marching in the streets of
their homeland.
If one cannot stake claim to one’s homeland,
then what can one stake claim to. The people of Burma want their freedom and
they don’t deserve this in exchange.