Tommy Robinson Sentenced To
9-Months In Jail For Contempt Of Court
July 12. 2019

Tommy Robinson
Tommy Robinson has been sentenced to 9-months in
jail on contempt of court charges. He will serve half of that
sentence and receive credit for 2-months served, which occurred
prior to his release on appeal. Robinson, who wore “convicted of
journalism” t-shirts to events, complained of lack of freedoms in
the United Kingdom, incorrectly likening the nation to North Korea.
If you know Britain, you will immediately detect the gross
inaccuracies in his statements, which has not helped his cause.
Robinson’s sentencing created a mini-riot outside the courthouse,
where his supporters attacked police and journalists.
In 2018 Robinson had been formally warned by the
court regarding filming and harassing defendants in grooming gang
trials in England, regarding pedophiles raping underage girls.
Robinson filmed the Muslim men leaving courts, while shouting at
them, in footage he streamed over social networking.
In 2019, Robinson defied the judge’s order again by
filming from the sidewalk, rather than on court property, and was
promptly arrested by police, as his conduct placed the criminal
trial in jeopardy. Police quickly terminated his filming and took
him into custody before the criminal defendants were leaving court
for the day during the trial.
The authorities did so, as Robinson’s attempt to
expose and turn the public against the pedophiles could have given
cause to their attorneys to argue the case has been prejudiced and
their clients cannot get a fair trial. It would have resulted in a
mistrial, destroying months of work by the government to bring them
to justice. The government did obtain a conviction and the
pedophiles were sentenced to years in prison.
The judicial press ban is not a permanent legal
tool. They are not attempting to cover up the criminal misconduct of
pedophiles. Once a conviction is obtained, the press is free to
report on the identity of the pedophiles and the contents of the
trial (except the identities of the underage victims, in order to
protect the children who were abused). Once the guilty verdict was
reached by the jury, the press in Britain began freely reporting on
the case, including the identity of the perpetrators.
All Robinson had to do was wait and let the police
and court complete their work. That was not much to ask. They did
not lay an unreasonable request on Robinson or any member of the
public. However, Robinson is selling himself as an incendiary brand,
appealing to white working class Britons in the far right, who feel
they are being marginalized in their own nation.
Each time Robinson is arrested, it gives him
publicity in the press, attention on social networking and donations
from supporters. Robinson has received millions in donations,
enabling him to live in a $1,300,000 house in Manchester, drive a
Range Rover luxury car and wear designer clothes. For him it has
become a business not a cause.
Tommy Robinson Arrested And Privately Sentenced For Reporting On Muslim
Child Grooming Pedophilia Scandal In Britain