They're Planning Another Pandemic
And It Is More Virulent Than COVID-19
June 7. 2023

The world is still reeling from the
coronavirus pandemic that killed approximately
7,000,000 people worldwide and sickened nearly
700,000,000. People are still dying from coronavirus
everyday especially in America. Many people also
suffer from long haul COVID, which is debilitating.
Others died from or have been left disabled by
the coronavirus vaccines (Myocarditis Rates Through The Roof Due To
COVID-19 Vaccines Confirming Previous Site Claims (Videos)
and Thousands Of Adverse Medical Events Reported After Taking
Coronavirus Vaccines Including Death, Heart Attacks And Strokes Confirming
Previous Site Claims and
CDC Panics And Opens An Emergency
Investigation Into More Than 800 Teens Developing Serious Heart Problems
Due To Coronavirus Vaccines Confirming Previous Site Claims).

The Director of the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci, is already
warning the public to prepare for the next pandemic. Fauci
recently stated, "There will absolutely be an outbreak of
another pandemic. It may be next year." Fauci is famous for
dangerous "gain of function" research (Senator Rand Paul
Questions Dr. Anthony Fauci About The Origins Of The Coronavirus
You would think all that human suffering was
enough for the people who caused the pandemic (the CIA). But no.
I have it on good authority they are planning another pandemic
and it is more virulent than the coronavirus.
Do keep in mind, before the COVID-19 pandemic
occurred, I did warn on Twitter and this site that a pandemic
was on the way (Theresa May And Boris Johnson
Under-Funding Of The NHS Left The Health Service Ill-Prepared To Counter
The Effects Of The Coronavirus (Covid-19)). I also wrote many
articles on coronavirus that later proved true and correct (site

My prophetic tweets on warning
of a pandemic
As stated previously on the site, the deadly
coronavirus strain was an attempt by the CIA to harm China and
halt its rapid rise in the world, after former President Donald
Trump refused to go to war with them. Trump decided on a trade
war to diffuse the situation with the crazy CIA, but that wasn't
enough for the murderous spy agency who have murdered world
leaders and toppled governments all over the world, in well
documented incidents.
Certain wealthy elitists are of the belief the
planet is overpopulated and something drastic must be done about
this, but who are they to decide who lives or dies. They are
extremely arrogant and evil. The CIA and FBI also saw how much
Big Pharma profited from the coronavirus pandemic. So they see
another pandemic as a win. Congress needs to rein in these
lunatics at the CIA and FBI.
Side Bar: I reiterate what I've
stated on the site before. Congress needs to thoroughly look
into former CIA Director, Gina Haspel, regarding the
coronavirus pandemic. There's something very serious
and horrible she's not telling you about its origins
and how it was released into the world.
Fauci Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: “There
Will Absolutely be an Outbreak of Another Pandemic…It May be
Next Year…”
by Brian Lupo Apr. 6, 2023 10:00 am - On April
3, 2023, the now retired Dr. Fauci made an appearance at a
townhall discussion with Jim Acosta at James Madison University.
In the discussion, Dr. Fauci states that “there will absolutely
be an outbreak of another pandemic.” He then suggests it could
be “next year” or it could be in our “grandchildren’s
lifetimes.” Given his track record on predicting outbreaks, this
“absolutism” should not be taken lightly. I can already hear the
mail-in ballot printers firing up!...
Australian Government Coronavirus Vaccine Cancelled Due To
It Creating HIV False Positives Points To Virus Being Created In A Lab As
Previously Stated On The Site
The True Origins Of The Coronavirus
Outbreak (Covid-19)