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Theresa May Working On Forming A Government With DUP While Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn Tries To Oust Her After He Loses British General Election June 12. 2017
Theresa May The June 8, 2017 general election in Britain resulted in incumbent prime minister, Theresa May, winning the vote resulting in her Conservatives being the largest party, in what is known as a hung parliament. This means she no longer has the majority in the British Houses of Parliament, but still won the election. Polls made predictions of a landslide win for May, but they were not correct in anticipating such a huge margin. As in America where Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama beat Mitt Romney, though polls predicted otherwise, sometimes they are wrong. As I stated 2-months ago on Twitter, "May is taking a risk with the snap election" (see screen cap below) as I did not think it was a good idea, not being of the belief the vote would turn out how she anticipated and now it has not, proving me correct and sadly costing May the majority. However, she is still the prime minister. Therefore, all is not lost. At least she was not ousted via the vote. She needs to remain in her post, as Britain does not need a second prime minister resigning in one year. It is not good for the economy, as it would not spark confidence in the government. Furthermore, May policies are better for Britain than her rival's proposed ideas, which are fiscally irresponsible and not conducive to Britain's financial health.
Jeremy Corbyn Labour party challenger, Jeremy Corbyn, lost the election, but is resorting to undemocratic tactics in a bid to go against the vote, seize office and go on an unprecedented spending spree no nation could successfully underwrite. Corbyn is not honoring the public's wishes. May is working with DUP (Democratic Unionist Party) who have 10 seats, which is enough to combine with her Conservative contingent (318 seats) to form a majority government. A party needs 325 to hold a majority government. However, refusing to accept defeat, Corbyn has stated he will lead the Labour party in a bid to vote down any government May tries to form. This would cause chaos, voter fatigue, deplete the treasury by millions of pounds to stage another election and financially damage Britain's economy via foreign investors losing confidence.
Theresa May May has a mandate from the people to govern, as her party has the most seats/votes. Corbyn is being undemocratic in going against the will of the people, in trying to become prime minister, when his Labour party does not have enough seats to form a government and the vote was a rejection of his platform and proposed policies. Corbyn scared a lot of people with talks of drastically raising taxes, opening Britain up to mass, unfettered immigration when national resources are already stretched and expressing support for terrorists in Hezbollah and Hamas, labeling them "our friends." Corbyn further seeks to go against the Brexit vote and remain in the European Union, against the will of the people, which was decided via vote a year ago. The Labour party was at a disadvantage electing a leader with such radical views that possess traits of socialism and communism. Corbyn gained votes by promising the youth things he could not financially deliver without bankrupting Britain. Corbyn seeks to help the poor by financially decimating the middle class and the rich. His policies would absolutely wreck and bankrupt Britain. It would translate into a cash grab creating temporary relief and permanent. long lasting damage/financial lack, via massive over taxation.
Jeremy Corbyn May also needs to listen to the people. Austerity is good, but on some matters there needs to be some adjustment. As I proposed in past articles, a small tax increase on the rich could be used to help the poor and disabled, as well as address school funding matters. May's manifesto also contained a proposed plan to enact a rule that people can't leave their homes to their children, only £100,000, which needs to be scrapped. Many people have worked very hard to buy, renovate and even expand their homes. Some have put in over £100,000 via renovations and expansion paid for by personal funds and loans. It is only fair they be allowed to bequeath all their assets to their children (or whomever they chose). The property shortages mainly are in London because too many people are trying to live there and some can't afford it anymore. People need to accept the fact everyone cannot live in London. There is ample space and many great homes in the adjoining home counties, such as Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire. There are also lovely, affordable properties in Surrey, which is not far from London on the Tubes (subway). My tweet from April 19, 2017, two months before the election, expressing the fact May was taking a risk, as I did not believe it would work out how she planned and it has not. However, she is still prime minister. Another notable event that happened during the election was the people of Scotland voting for the Conservatives more than in past years, which many are labeling a rejection of Nicola Sturgeon's bid to take them out of Britain, via a second referendum. Due to Sturgeon's anger over Britain voting to leave the European Union, she began stating she will call for a second referendum on leaving the United Kingdom. Sturgeon seeks to have Scotland join the European Union. Sturgeon's claims cost her party 11 seats, as voters paired with the Conservatives, in an indication they wish to remain in the United Kingdom. Sturgeon should refrain from another referendum, as the recent vote clearly indicated the Scottish people wish to remain with Britain. Therefore, it is best to listen to the people and do what they ask. There should be no new general election for the next five years either. I have been reading people's comments online and the British public is tired of all the voting. There have been three recent votes: the general election, Scottish referendum and Brexit. They need to be given a break from voting for a few years. Britain needs stability, unity and to move forward as one nation. There is strength in numbers. Work on building up the British economy industrialism, as revenue growth can also be used in part to help the poor and disabled, while also funding schools, the police and NHS (the latter would also benefit from their own special national tax of a few pence on purchases). RELATED ARTICLES Scotland Considering Second Referendum To Leave Britain After Brexit Succeeded But Is It A Good Idea British And American Journalists Call President Obama A ‘Hypocrite’ For Meddling In Brexit British Government Addressing Affordable Housing Requests In London |
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