The Woman Carmelo Anthony Has
Been Cheating On His Wife LaLa With Is Exposed As An Instagram Model
July 2. 2019

Carmelo and LaLa
Last week NBA basketball player Carmel Anthony was
exposed for cheating on his wife, television host and actress, LaLa
Anthony. Carmelo spent his wife's birthday in the South of France
with a mystery woman, while LaLa was at a night club in America with
her friends, looking sad and dejected.

Carmelo Anthony and mystery woman on a yacht
The next day when paparzi photos hit the press of
Carmelo cavorting with the unnamed woman, a devastated LaLa posted
an item to social working. LaLa's posts was of a bullet lodged in a
heart with blood pouring from it. Then she deleted it. However,
people made screencaps. LaLa also posted a sad face emoji not long

Photos from Sara Smiri's Instagram page
The identity of the woman has been revealed as
28-year-old Instagram model, Sara Smiri. Carmelo tried to deflect
questions about Sara, by not giving her name, stating she is married
to a businessman and posting the photos is hurting both their
families. However, news online indicates Sara is in the process of
getting divorced and has been formally separated from her husband,
while cheating with Carmelo on his wife's birthday.

Sara Smiri has been following Carmelo Anthony
on Instagram
Carmelo tried to portray it as a business trip with
Sara, whose husband is a businessman. However, based on reports,
Sara's husband was not on the yacht. Sara and her husband also share
a child. As do Carmelo and Anthony. However, that has not stopped
Carmelo and Sara from cheating.

Sara Smiri
I guess they thought they were safe cheating in
another country. Well, they were sorely mistaken on that count. They
should not have done this to their families and especially on LaLa's
birthday. The irony of it is Carmelo is cheating with a woman who
looks like his wife. He should have just stayed with his wife. This
marks Carmelo's
second cheating scandal.
Woman Who Was Seen on the Yacht With Carmelo
Anthony Identified; EXCLUSIVE Source Tell Us She Is NOT Married Like
He Claims [PHOTOS]
June 28, 2019 - Carmelo Anthony ruined #BlackMenDontCheat
for this year. According to our EXCLUSIVE source, the woman that was
seen on the yacht with Carmelo, is Sara Smiri, and she is NOT
married. We were able to find her instagram. She quickly blocked us,
but not before I was able to take screenshots of her page. There was
no “husband” anywhere on her instagram, and she was following
I also followed her from my personal Instagram and she blocked me,
then made her page private. A woman that claims to know her
personally, DM’d me and confirmed that the woman was not married,
but divorced. She also said that she has a child. The source has
asked to remain anonymous. Lala posted and deleted a sad face and
broken heart emoji last night. As for Carmelo, he should’ve known
that lie wasn’t going to cut it.
Carmelo Anthony Accused Of Cheating On His Wife LaLa On Her Birthday But
Denies It Despite Photos Surfacing Of Him With Mystery Woman (Photos)
There Were Signs Of Trouble In The Marriage Of La La Anthony And
Carmelo Anthony Prior To Him Knocking Up Side Chick
NBA Star Carmelo Anthony Struggling To Get Wife La La Anthony
Back After Claims He Knocked Up Another Woman
Carmelo Anthony Trying To Get His Wife La La Back Through
Social Networking Post
Drake Is
After Carmelo Anthony's Wife La La Anthony (Video)