Violence, Drugs And Death In The
Circle Of Bobby BrownNovember 20. 2020

Bobby Brown and Bobby Brown Jr in 2016
R&B singer Bobby Brown has seen a lot of
death these past few years. His parents died of illness.
His ex-wife, Whitney Houston, died is a suspicious
bathtub drowning with drugs in her system. His daughter,
Bobbi Kristina Brown, died in a suspicious bathtub
drowning with drugs in her system.
Whitney and Bobbi's drug procurer, the
violent, opportunistic, psychopathic enabler Nick
Gordon, killed them both. Their deaths had the same
method of operation, the unusual drowning face down in a
bathtub with bruises on their bodies. Gordon died on New
Years Eve with drugs in his system, with the cause of
death being an overdose.
Now Bobby Brown's son, Bobby Brown Jr,
has been found dead. People are speculating it is from a
drug overdose, based on an item his girlfriend, Anna
Reed, posted on social networking. In the 1980s Bobby
Brown Sr used to sell drugs as a teen. In 1993, Bobby
Brown Sr was kidnapped by a drug gang over a $25,000 unpaid drug
debt, that Whitney ended up paying $400,000 to secure
his release.
In 1995, Bobby Brown's sister was
devastated when her fiancé, Steven Sealy, 31, was shot
and killed in a drive-by shooting where Bobby was
present in the car. The car was shot up by a drug gang.
There has been copious amounts of drugs in the family's
circle for decades.
Brown released a statement yesterday
regarding his son's death, "Please keep my family in
your prayers at this time. Losing my son at this point
in our lives has devastated my family. There are no
words to explain the pain."
I remember Bobby Jr as a little boy on
"Being Bobby Brown." He was so young, shy and
unassuming. It is sad that his life has been cut so
drastically short. However, Hollywood the industry is
not a good place and it is bring tragedy on many people.
Whitney Houston pays off drug gangsters
PUBLISHED: 00:00, Sun, Apr 5, 2009 -
TROUBLED The singer bailed out her husband TROUBLED: The
singer bailed out her husband. Brown was snatched and
held “naked and hog tied” at gunpoint by members of a
notorious New York street gang known as the Preacher
Crew, according to author David Collins.
He was later allowed to make one phone
call to Whitney, in which he pleaded with her to
personally deliver the ransom to an abandoned building
in the Bronx. Disguised in a wig and dark glasses, the
terrified singer obeyed, and handed over a duffle bag
containing the cash 24 hours later to 6ft 7in gang boss
Clarence “Preacher” Heatley, says Collins.
He claims the kidnapping, which was
never reported to police, happened in April 1993 when
Whitney was at the peak of her fame with her film The
Bodyguard and its soundtrack album, both huge hits.
Unlike the movie, however, in which Kevin Costner
co-starred as her heroic minder, Whitney was forced to
face her then husband’s kidnappers alone to hand over
the ransom before they were both allowed to walk away
‘Terrified singer was disguised in a wig
and dark glasses.’ ‘They terrorised him for 2 hours and
put a gun to his head.’ Former gang member Collins
claims in his autobiography, Preacher of the Streets,
that Brown was snatched over a $25,000 debt to a New
Jersey drug dealer. Heatley, currently serving life
without parole after admitting being involved in 13
gang-related killings, allegedly paid the dealer and
“took over the debt”...
Whitney Houston's Daughter Bobbi
Kristina Brown Moved To Hospice As Her Condition Continues To Deteriorate And
Conservator Files Lawsuit Against Nick Gordon For Stealing Money And Beating Her
Up Confirming Previous Site Claims
Atlanta Police Confirm Criminal Investigation Into The Overdose And
Drowning Of Whitney Houston's Daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown
Bobbi Kristina Brown On Life Support Due To Overdose Confirming
Previous Site Statements From 2012
Whitney Houston Is The Latest Hollywood Star To Die Under Tragic
Houston On The Brink