The U.S. Economy Is Tanking
Under Joe Biden As Tech Sector Announces Many
A Healthy Economy Does Not Layoff Hundreds Of
Scores Of People
January 20. 2023

Joe Biden is in a constant state of confusion
and brought that to the U.S. economy with record
inflation and job losses
Recently, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Meta and
other tech companies have announce layoffs totaling
more than 100,000 people (and counting). It has been
going on for 3-months and has gotten worse this
week. This is all
while U.S. President Joe Biden is on
bizarrely stating his is the best economy and
employment record in American history. It has to be
the dementia talking again.
The U.S. economy has been shedding
jobs at an alarming rate. Yet, it is being covered
up by the Biden Administration. Biden cares more
about appearances than actually fixing the problem.
Well, that's because he can't fix the problem.

Graphic from A thriving economy
doesn't she large numbers of jobs.
In the face of all this financial
failure he ushered in, Biden has the audacity to want
a second term in office, so he can mess up the
country even more. That's called putting your ego
ahead of what's best for the country. There are so
many better choices for President than Biden. He
really was the bottom of the barrel choice.
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