The Transgender War On BiologyJune 23. 2023

Audrey Elizabeth Hale was a transgender woman
who shot and killed six people, including children,
at a Christian school
Basic biology accurately states
there are two sexes, which are male and female. The
LGBTQ movement, particularly transgender people, are
warring against biology. The LGBTQ community are
insisting there are more than two sexes, which is
scientifically incorrect, a danger to the
propagation of the species and damaging the public's
mental health.
To fit the transgender mental
illness and its accompanying delusions, people are
irrationally being forced to state there are more
than two genders (some are even falsely and
egregiously stating there are hundreds of genders
and trying to push this fallacy on the public). This
is mental illness. Transgender people need
psychiatric treatment, not sex changes, as it is
impossible to change your biological sex.
Transgenderism in many possess
components of dysmorphia, narcissistic personality
disorder and Dissociative Identity Disorder. In
some cases it morphs into psychopathy, as seen with
transgender mass shooters who killed adults and
children in several high profile cases.

Transgender woman Donna Perry, born Douglas
Perry, killed three women
Transgender women, who are actually
men, have displayed an enormous amount of hostility
and hate towards biological women, as it is a
painful reminder of the goal they can never reach.
There are many incidents of transgender women
engaging in extreme violence against biological
The desire for transgender women to
formally participate in professional sports
categories traditionally reserved for biological
women, is a move to supplant natural women.
Scientific studies have proven transgender women
have an undue advantage over biological women in
sports, but they continue to insist the opposite,
based on their opinions, while taking prize money,
scholarships and awards from deserving female
The mental illness has gone so far
that biological women are being called offensive
names such as "cisgender" and "person with a womb"
indicating western society is falling and devolving
into madness. You could not have given west's
enemies a better gift. They are watching the
deterioration of western society in acts that are
Once again, transgenderism is mental
illness. Transgender people have been engaging in
serious acts of violence. They suffer from manic
episodes and debilitating depression. They require
greater medical care that is costing the taxpayers a
fortune, all because of an ill-advised approach to a
serious mental disorder, in telling the patient they
know what is best.
In trying to spread the transgender
movement, the west guarantees the current and future
generations of citizens, will be unable to function
properly at school or work, greatly reducing
societal productivity. The cost to the taxpayers
will continue to skyrocket as more "gender
affirming" and mental health care is required,
especially as more people to submit to this mental
The 'Leave Our Kids Alone' Movement Has Gone
Worldwide Due To LGBTQ Members Insistence On Having
Access To People's Children Against Their Wishes
Poll Reveals The Majority Of Americans Believe
Transgender Ideology Is 'Morally Wrong'