The Queen Under Pressure To Cut Spending In The
Face Of Prince Andrew Sex Scandal Regarding Underage GirlsThe Guardian Newspaper States The Royal Family Has "Lost Its
January 2. 2020

The Queen and Prince Andrew
The royal family is angry with Prince Andrew, as his
ties to the late businessman and pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, has
brought scandal on the clan and is threatening their position with
the British public. Serious allegations have surfaced stating Prince
Andrew has been having sex with underage girls for the past two
decades, in debauched acts introduced to him by Epstein.
Prince Andrew was introduced to Epstein by
socialite, Ghislaine Maxwell, who procured underage girls for them
and other rich and famous people in their circle, as instructed by
Epstein. Their is now an active criminal investigation into their
behavior, which continues, despite the fact Epstein allegedly
committed suicide, with many stating he was murdered (Jeffrey Epstein’s Lawyer States He Was Killed In Jail).
The Prince Andrew scandal,
among several others regarding the royals this year, has
angered the British people, who are publicly complaining on social
networking about footing the sizeable cost of the royal family, via
their hard earned tax dollars. The royal family receives
$100,000,000 annually from taxpayer money.

Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell
Yahoo News stated, "Britain's Queen Elizabeth II has
called the year 'bumpy' and many Britons are again questioning the
cost of the monarchy." First in line to the throne,
Prince Charles, who
desperately wants to be king, has floated the idea of narrowing the
royal family down to his immediate family.
Currently, royals such as Princess Michael of Kent,
a literal Nazi who is married to the Queen's cousin, are costing the
taxpayers large sums of money living in luxury at palaces,
while spreading ill will in Britain and America, among other places
(Princess Michael Of Kent Causes Outrage In Wearing Racist Slave
Broach To Queen's Lunch Held To Meet Prince Harry's Black
Fiancée Meghan Markle).
Yahoo News reported, "One of the common complaints
about the monarchy is the cost to the taxpayer. There is a
perception that many members of the family are free-loaders who
don't do much work." The royals cut ribbons, break champagne bottles
and wave at people. It's not strenuous or physically taxing. Royals
don't even dress themselves, tie their own shoelaces or put
toothpaste on their toothbrushes. They have staff doing that and
much more for them.

Rapists and pedophiles
Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey
Weinstein and Ghislaine Maxwell at Windsor Palace for party held by
Prince Andrew at the Queen's residence
The British taxpayers should not be paying
$100,000,000 per year to support roughly 50 royals, many of whom
have no financial value to the economy. To say the entire clan are
working for the taxpayers and serving their nation is preposterous.
The royal family did not even make the list of the top 50 British
tourist attractions.
Gone are the days when the late Princess Diana made
a fortune for Britain in tourism, merchandising, television ads and
newspaper sales. Princess Diana generated billions for Britain.
Currently, her sons and their wives, who are the top draw in the
royal family, are making money for Britain, but it is still nowhere
near what she brought in.
While I understand the Queen has ceremonial duties
to perform, she still lives in absolute luxury, has many residences
(some of which she owns but should belong to the state) and is
waited on hand and foot by a massive staff. She isn't exactly
suffering being the Queen. It has many perks, as the British people
have taken extraordinarily good care of their royals.

Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein walking in New
York in 2010 after his conviction in criminal court as a pedophile
soliciting sex from a minor
At a time when there is 14,000,000 Britons living in
poverty (4 million of them children) and 225,000 homeless,
$100,000,000 annually in royal expenditures is not appropriate.
The poor need the money. For the royals
to have gold pianos, gold crowns and gold toilets, while the poor
don't have "a pot to piss in" is sad.
Cost of UK royals back in spotlight after Queen's year to
December 25, 2019 - Britain's Queen Elizabeth II has
called the year "bumpy" and many Britons are again questioning the
cost of the monarchy. After a torrid 2019 in which the queen's
son Prince Andrew was implicated in an underage sex abuse scandal,
many in Britain are again asking if the monarchy has gotten too big
-- and rich -- for its own good. The family's year to forget may
encourage Prince Charles, set to eventually take over from his
mother Queen Elizabeth II, 93, in his purported belief that the
centuries-old institution needs reform, according to royal experts.
"He wants to slim it down to a hard core of senior
family members who work full-time," said author Penny Junor, who has
written several books on the royals including "The Firm" -- the
nickname sometimes given to the family. "Andrew shooting himself in
the foot has certainly made that an easier task," she told AFP.
The 59-year-old prince, dubbed the queen's "favourite
son" by the UK press, has been dogged by allegations that he had sex
with one of American convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein's victims.
Andrew, who strenuously denies the accusations, gave a calamitous
BBC interview last month in which he unsuccessfully tried to
distance himself from the late US financier...
Prime Minister Theresa May Wants To Pay Billions To Patrol The Caribbean
Sea And Build Bases In The Region While Leaving 14,000,000 Britons In
Poverty And 225,000 Homeless In Britain
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton Photographed With The Staff Of
Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein In His Home
Prince Andrew's Close Ties To Rapists Jeffrey Epstein And Harvey
Weinstein Laid Bare