The Provocation Of A
Nuclear Holocaust
June 6. 2007

As a citizen of the world, I have
the right to be concerned, as does anyone else who sees where this is going,
regarding the White House's antagonistic missile shield. Once again, seeking to
solve a problem that runs much deeper than many understand, the White House is
turning to military action, under the guise of protecting the country, via
pointing missiles at other nations, and openly so.
The White House really must not be
fond of peace and Congress isn't very effective either, to let this line of
reasoning take its current course. The future and survival of this nation are at
stake. The military is not the answer to
every problem the country faces. Diplomacy is a better solution. However,
clearly the White House fails to see this. The proposed missile shield,
strategically placed in numerous countries, has loopholes that can be exploited,
rendering it ineffective, and its proposed presence is only serving to provoke
powerful parties in this world, rather than foster peace.

At this point in time, the White
House's credibility is all but gone, after revelations of perjury, corruption
and flat out lying about a war that has killed more civilians than soldiers. It is very hard to be taken
seriously in the international community with such a track record, where
unbiased news sources plainly show people suffering in Iraq on a daily basis.
Many of them are without
electricity, as the White House ordered bombing campaign has destroyed some of
their electrical systems. As a person who lives in Miami and
went for two weeks without electricity due to Hurricane Wilma, I can tell you it
is an unpleasant experience. It changes your life. Eliminated are your TV, computer, air
conditioning, heater, stove, fridge, washing machine and dryer, as without
electricity, they cannot operate. Imagine going without those things
for well over a year, as some in Iraq have (and ironically in New Orleans, but
that's another government failure).
There are reports on the BBC of
soldiers bombing hospital compounds in Iraq, without checking. A hospital
manager interviewed by the BBC showed them the debris, where shrapnel even hit
an incubator. The hospital manager stated he ran
out into the front of the hospital waving his arms trying to tell them not to
bomb the hospital, but for some reason, his signaling was not heeded and the
hospital was hit.
The war in Iraq was misrepresented
as a military exercise targeting weapons of mass destruction, then Saddam
Hussein, then terrorists (any reason to stay over there, huh). However, it is a
war that is now targeting his people, even if unintentionally. In the face of that, try to imagine
what the international community is thinking regarding the White House's
proposed missile shield.
You are provoking world war 3.
There are countries in this world that could wipe America off the map without
even trying. The White House needs to humble itself and stop playing aggressor.
Military action is not the solution to every problem in the world. If the White House will not listen,
for the safety and survival of the 300,000,000 people who live here, Congress
needs to rein it in. A few men who have clearly lost their way, cannot be
allowed to jeopardize the safety of 300,000,000 people.
If you misrepresented then
mismanaged a war that has killed civilian men, women, children and babies, in
the six digits, do you really believe the world trusts you, the White House,
with a missile shield of the nature of the one proposed. People have every right to be
concerned, as the White House has proven it cannot be trusted, is not using
diplomacy and is impetuous.
Mr. President, remove your finger
from over the proverbial red button, before you end up in the Hague or Nancy Pelosi throws you into the audience like Akon did to
that kid (oh, you know she looks like she would).
The war was said to have been based
on prayer where God told the head of state to engage. I don't believe for one
millisecond that God told anyone to bomb up innocent civilians. There were wars
fought in the Bible with God's consent, but that was soldier to soldier. Not
more civilians being killed than soldiers, as in Iraq.
Imagine if you were granted the
chance to ask God "Did you tell them to initiate a war that they would be
required to":
a.) Misrepresent its true goal to
billions of people in the world, also known as "Thou shall not bear false
b.) Bomb and kill civilian men,
women, babies and grandparents, as more civilians than soldiers have died, also
known as "Thou shall not kill."
c.) Initiate contracts where they
unconscionably "take up to 75% of the oil profits" of the foreign country's
greatest financial asset "for 30 years until they recoup their drilling costs"
also known as "Thou shall not steal" and "Thou shall not envy your neighbor's
The response: God seeks legal
representation to bring litigation for slander, defamation and libel.