The FBI Has Psychotic Pedophile
FBI Agents Running Loose In BritainMay 23. 2022

FBI Director Christopher Wray
I've broken many stories on the FBI that later proved true
site exclusives).
Here's another one. There are FBI agents from America, who are assigned to
work at the London, England attaché office and live in Britain, who are pedophiles.
The FBI knows they are pedophiles,
but have them roaming free all over Britain anyway. These are agents are known to have these sick
issues, yet they were assigned to London, England anyway. However, the FBI
doesn't care about public safety in Britain or anywhere else, as they are
corrupt. The FBI only cares about getting taxpayer money and trying to
control the world.
These FBI agents in question have even trespassed at schools in Britain,
with minors present, for very nefarious and sick
reasons. The FBI has a history of trespassing at
schools (click
here). The
FBI also has a problem with pedophilia at the agency, as agents have
been arrested for said sex crimes against children (click
here and click
here and
click here, among many other cases of FBI
employees engaging in illegal pedophilia).
The FBI let children get molested in America;
therefore why would they care about Britain (The FBI's Deliberate Criminal
Negligence And Obstruction Of Justice In The USA Gymnastics Case That
Allowed Underage Gymnasts To Be Raped And Sexually Assaulted Exhibits A
Pattern Of Criminal Behavior Present In Other Sex Crime Cases Such As
Those Concerning Madonna And Hollywood (Video) and
The FBI Slammed On Social Networking
For Covering For Pedophile Larry Nassar Allowing Him To Continue
Sexually Abusing USA Gymnasts As Young As Age 8 And Molesting New
Underage Victims.
Not to mention: Human
Rights Activists Slam The FBI After It Is Discovered
They Became The World's Top Distributor Of Child
FBI Official Covered Up Sexual Abuse
Of Underage Girls On The U.S. Olympic Team Because He Wanted To Become
Head Of U.S. Gymnastics
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