The Democrats Are Trying To Use
Stormy Daniels Again In Bids At Getting Former U.S.
President Donald Trump Locked Up (Video)February 1. 2023
The Biden Administration are worried
over the 2024 Presidential election. So much so they
are trying to get former President Donald Trump
locked up. First it was the failed Russian collusion
case (Robert
Mueller’s Russian Collusion Case Collapses As He Is Forced To Concede
There Was None). Now it's Stormy Daniels again.
Daniels alleged an affair with Trump
while his wife, former First Lady Melania Trump, was
pregnant with their son Barron. Trump has denied the
affair. However, Daniels stated he paid her hush

Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti
Daniels' lawyer and sex partner,
Michael Avenatti, is already in prison regarding his
attempts to destroy Trump and his fellow party
members (Lawyer And Former Presidential
Candidate Michael Avenatti Sentenced To 14-Years In Prison For Theft And
Now, out of desperation as the FBI
raid failed (Joe
Biden Hypocrisy Exposed As He Is Placed Under
Criminal Investigation For The Same Thing He Accused
Former President Donald Trump Of Doing In
Mishandling Classified Documents and
The FBI Staged Photos Of Raid On
Former President Donald Trump's Mar-A-Lago Estate Indicating They've
Tampered With And Tainted Evidence) the Biden Administration is
trying to get Trump using Stormy Daniels again.

A tweet from my Twitter page
The Manhattan district attorney's
office is believed to be presenting information to a
grand jury with the goal of locking Trump up.
However, as the FBI has repeatedly stated, they are
not in the business of locking presidents up.
Congress is not keen on it either.
This is a massive part of why
America is in the toilet financially and politically. The economy is tanking
and inflation is rising, but Biden and his handler,
Barack Obama,
are too busy using the FBI/CIA/NSA/IRS to illegally spy
on and harass their rivals and critics in America
(and some in the world), and using
the DOJ to set them up, to get any real work done in
the White House.
Side Bar: once again,
why are senior Democrats such as the Bidens, Barack
Obama and Nancy Pelosi not bearing in mind that if
they manage to get Trump out of the way, they are
going to have to face his younger, vicious protégé,
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who will break them
in half, then make a new law telling them why he had
to break them in half (Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
Receives Record $177,400,000 In Campaign Donations For Local Election
But Will He Also Run For President With Donald Trump In 2024).
Michael Avenatti And His Client Julie Swetnick Referred To The FBI And
DOJ For Criminal Investigation Over Lying In The Brett Kavanaugh Case
Lawyer And Former Presidential
Candidate Michael Avenatti Sentenced To 14-Years In Prison For Theft And
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