The Cousin Of Basketball Star Dwyane
Wade Killed In
Gunfire While Pushing Baby Stroller
August 29. 2016

Nykea Aldridge
32-year-old mother of four, Nykea Aldridge,
was shot to death while walking her baby in a stroller in
Chicago, Illinois. Aldridge was shot in the head and arm,
but her baby escaped injury. Aldridge is the cousin of
basketball star, Dwyane Wade. A day prior to the shooting,
Wade complained about the violence in his hometown. After
the shooting Wade tweeted on Twitter, "My cousin was killed
today in Chicago. Another act of senseless gun violence. 4
kids lost their mom for NO REASON. Unreal. #EnoughISEnough."

Darwin Sorrells Jr. and Derren Sorrells have been
arrested as suspects in the fatal shooting
Aldridge was hit in crossfire between
parolee brothers, Darwin Sorrells Jr., 26 and Derren
Sorrells, 22 and a rival gang member. Chicago has one of the
highest murder rates in America, largely due to gang
violence. There is crime and violence around the world.
However, when you identify a particular area in a nation
with a significantly elevated level of crime, a task force
is needed [which the Judiciary Report previously recommended
in this column and the mayor later stated he would do
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Asks For Resignation Of Police Chief
After Laquan McDonald Shooting And Forms Task Force (Video)].

Dwyane Wade
As many raids and round ups as necessary
until you get it right, to root out the problem. You can’t
have criminals holding society hostage. So many innocent
bystanders have been shot in Chicago. Most people in society
are law abiding. To those who choose to do wrong, you have
sent the message you wish to be locked up and so be it…
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Asks For Resignation Of Police Chief
After Laquan McDonald Shooting And Forms Task Force (Video)
That Shot 9-Year-Old Chicago Boy In The Head And Chest In Revenge
Killing Exposed