The British Police Arrest Members Of
Rupert Murdoch's Staff At News Corp's Sun Newspaper During A Raid!
January 28. 2012

News Corp's Rupert Murdoch and wife Wendi Murdoch
This is another in the series of phone hacking articles the Judiciary
Report has published, regarding a scandal I broke first in October 2005,
via a
complaint I filed with the Metropolitan Police in London,
England. 5 more people have been arrested in the scandal. The Metropolitan
Police raided the Sun Newspaper UK, a company its owner, News Corp CEO,
Rupert Murdoch, swore months ago was not involved in phone hacking.
Murdoch claimed on international television the phone hacking was solely
at News Corp's News Of The World newspaper, which was shuttered this past
summer. However, as my police complaint from October 2005 that has been
online for years indicates, the Sun Newspaper was the unit of News Corp I
first noticed engaging in criminal misconduct against me, in tandem with
pop twit, Kabbalah
nutcase and all around thief
Madonna, who has a disgraceful legal track record. Since the
filing of that complaint, I noticed the criminal misconduct spread to News
Corp's News Of The World and the Wall Street Journal.
Once again, I am not a liar. I have no reason to make up stories on
anyone, especially in an industry so prone to blacklisting and abusing
innocent people. However, the greedy, despicable Murdoch family, who has
extensive ties to Madonna, began stealing my copyrights, hacking my phone
and emails, paying private investigators and their thugs to stalk and
approach me with the most foul, cruel, racist and invasive speech you could
imagine, often in the presence of my family.
I've done nothing to them, but witnessing how many valuable copyrights
I have registered with the Library of Congress, beginning when I was
14-years of age, as a child prodigy, they became covetous and resentful,
agreeing among themselves to steal said copyrights via hacking, for undue
financial gain.

Crazy, unattractive, untalented madwoman Mad-onna
I come from a family of award winning writers and entertainment
personalities, yet disgusting Madonna and News Corp have tried every
illegal act, including bribery regarding others, in bids at depriving me of a career in my
family's chosen profession, to criminally steal my copyrights. One of my aunt's wrote her first article at
15-years of age and it was published in the newspaper. We gravitate to this
stuff early. This is what my family has done for decades.
Yet, here are
these lazy, greedy criminals trying to take that away from me - something I
have worked so hard for since I was a kid. I'm not going to tolerate
that from anyone. Who do you think you are, because in my book you aren't
squat, due to your vile behavior. Anyone that goes to such sick extremes to
create a fake facade of success while stealing from others is a loser(s).
News Corp has since been unmasked as a criminal corporation robbing and
dismantling other companies for illegal gain. They are being investigated
for these serious financial crimes of a conspiratorial nature that have
destroyed many lives. What I find particularly repugnant about News Corp,
Madonna and their associates is their abhorrent conduct in not only
stealing people's property, but going so far as to do their level best to
financially and emotionally destroy their victims and their families in
every way their sick minds can muster. They revel in being evil and cruel
to others. They are the most evil people in existence. The funny thing is,
they are a bunch of pathetic cowards, who could not take that same abusive
treatment from others.
Hacked In The News Corp Phone Hacking Scandal
Assistant Of News Corp Executive Arrested For Deleting Incriminating Emails
During The Phone Hacking Scandal
Murdoch Slams Brits As Lazy People Who Take Too Many Holidays
Murdoch's News Corp Criminally Accessed Sir Alex Ferguson's Medical Records
And Blackmailed Him With It
Daily Mail Is Actively Engaging In Hacking, Phone Hacking And Wiretapping
And Kabbalah Close Their Corrupt Charity Due To Criminal Investigation
Arrested Again In The News Corp Phone Hacking Scandal
FBI Corruptly Granted "Sovereign Immunity" In The Aisha v. FBI
Murdoch Is Being Investigated By The Government For Using 'Mafia Tactics'
On Rivals
Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes
Outrage In Britain Over Rupert Murdoch's News Corp Phone Hacking Mom Of
Murdered Missing Girl
News Has A Secret Phone Hacking Department In The Building Says Former
Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking Rival & Stealing
Their Copyrights
Connection To Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal
Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes
Fraudulent Charity For Africa Squanders Millions On Big Salaries &
Luxury Items For Greedy Kabbalah Members
Kabbalah Cult Under Grand Jury Investigation