The Biden Administration Will Be Remembered For
Its Incompetence
September 6. 2024

Post from the X (Twitter) website
The administration of President Joe Biden will be
remembered for its breathtaking incompetence. They have armed dangerous
terrorists. Have been funding proxy wars when the money is needed in
America to address homelessness, child poverty, veterans assistance,
infrastructure, college tuition, teachers' salaries and affordable

Biden dispensed a lot of bad advice that cost people their lives
Another thing the Biden administration will be
remembered for is decimating the U.S. economy via inflation. When you
hit and surpass Great Depression numbers in modern times, just know your
administration is a failure of the highest order. It takes a special
level of incompetence and ineptitude to take down what was once one of
the most successful economies in history. Now there's enormous, record
national debt and inflation.
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