Study Finds Moderna Coronavirus Vaccine Causes
Heart Damage Confirming Previous Site Claims
December 18. 2021

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel
A vast study in Denmark stated the
Moderna coronavirus vaccine presents a heart risk in
the population. This supports the investigation by
the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) regarding
coronavirus vaccines producing myocarditis (heart
inflammation, which if left untreated can lead to
heart attacks and death).
The CDC and European health
organizations recently sounded the alarm regarding
this issue (CDC
Panics And Opens An Emergency Investigation Into
More Than 800 Teens Developing Serious Heart
Problems Due To Coronavirus Vaccines Confirming
Previous Site Claims).
The coronavirus vaccines are
corrosive to the human body. Coronavirus needs to be
cured. Once again, the things I have previously
repeatedly proved true.
My previous time stamped statements on
from July 25, 2020 regarding the then unreleased
vaccines potential to cause serious side effects
including heart attacks, strokes and death, which
has happened again A YEAR AND A HALF LATER,
regarding thousands of serious adverse events,
including deaths (Thousands
Of Adverse Medical Events Reported After Taking
Coronavirus Vaccines Including Death, Heart Attacks
And Strokes Confirming Previous Site Claims):

Vast study confirms rare heart risk from
Moderna jab
Fri, 17 December 2021, 1:38 am· The
Moderna Covid jab carries a slight risk of usually
non-serious heart problems a study of the entire
population of Denmark found Friday. The Moderna
Covid jab carries a slight risk of usually
non-serious heart problems a study of the entire
population of Denmark found Friday.
Incidences of myocarditis
(inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis
(inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart)
after mRNA jabs from Pfizer and Moderna had been
noted in vaccine safety reports and small-scale
studies. These reports led France, Denmark and other
countries to advise against the jab for people under
30 years old.
"Vaccination with mRNA-1273
(Moderna) was associated with a significantly
increased rate of myocarditis or myopericarditis,
especially among individuals aged 12-39 years," the
study said. It said that vaccination with Pfizer was
only associated with an increased risk among
CDC Panics And Opens An Emergency Investigation Into
More Than 800 Teens Developing Serious Heart Problems Due To Coronavirus
Vaccines Confirming Previous Site Claims
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