Stripper Shot To
Death In Texas By A Man Who Was Stalking And
Harassing Her While Wrongly Believing They Were In A
November 11. 2021

Abigail Saldana
54-year-old Stanley Szeliga was a
regular visitor to the strip club in Forth Worth,
Texas, where stripper Abigail Saldana worked.
Stanley became obsessed with 22-year-old, Abigail, a
mother of a 5-year-old boy. He began following her
around like a stalker.
Abigail began complaining about
Stanley on social networking, stating he placed a
GPS tracker underneath her car. The manager of the
strip club that Abigail worked in told police the
stripper was fearing for her safety, due to being
stalked by a customer named "Stan" who had been
"threatening to tell police she was engaged in
prostitution." Stan began making claims Abigail was
a part of a high-end prostitution ring.

Abigail Saldana
Stan was deluded and very mentally
ill to not only be stalking her, but thinking he was
in a serious relationship with a stripper, and one
who was 32-years his junior. A 22-year-old stripper
is looking for money. If a young stripper is going
to choose a boyfriend, meaning someone she is really
into and not for money, it would be some young, good
looking guy.
Some men automatically think a
stripper has daddy issues and is looking for a
father figure in a relationship. Anyone who is
hypersexual enough to strip on stage is looking for
a young, good looking guy to date, meaning someone
in her own age group (or maybe 10-years older if
it's a good looking guy).

Abigail Saldana
Stanley wrote on Instagram that he
and "Abigail S." were “enjoying each other’s
company” which is not even wording a 22-year-old
would relate to, as it sounds old-fashioned. Stanley
began complaining on social networking that, "I
never thought I’d be one of those guys to be taken
advantage of. She’s so beautiful and personable that
I envisioned a future with her. But dealing with all
the lies is overwhelming, I realize that’s part of
your primary job as an adult entertainer. But leave
it at the club. If you only leave your second job,
being in a high-end prostitution ring we could move
Once again, his words reveal
delusion. He was kidding himself. Unless he was a
rich older guy of age 54, and he's not wealthy by
all accounts, a 22-year-old stripper would not be in
a serious relationship with him. Women who strip are
into money. Otherwise, they would get a respectable
job in an office, retail or food service that does
not have the stigma of being a stripper.

Abigail Saldana
On October 26, 2021, using the
tracker he had criminally placed under Abigail's
car, Stanley, who was driving a pick-up truck,
chased her down and shot the stripper to death. A
woman who saw the incident unfold called 911, then
went to check on Abigail, who was not moving. She
was later pronounced dead.
When police went to arrest Stanley
at his home, he tried to cut his throat. Police
called for paramedics to treat his injuries. He is
now in jail on $250,000 bond. He had no right to
kill her and deserves life in prison for this crime.
She was only 22-years-old and a mother. Her family
is devastated.

Stanley Szeliga
I do not believe there was a
relationship between Abigail and Stanley. It was
one-sided. He is a stalker and the entire thing was
all in his mind. Strippers are nice to all patrons
and he got carried away inventing an entire
relationship in his mind, then had the gall to get
jealous of her attention towards other males.
When a person stalks and harasses
you, that's a bad sign. You are being targeted by a
psychotic person who belongs behind bars for public
safety. Most people in society accept that stalking
and harassment are both illegal and should not be
done. Most people do not cross those illegal
boundaries in society. Therefore, anyone who does
stalk and harass others is dangerous and capable of
any crime. That person is a maniac and one you need
to stay far away from for your own safety.
A Texas man ‘envisioned a future’ with a
stripper. Then, he killed her, police say.
November 5, 2021 at 7:04 a.m. EDT -
A license plate reader picked up Abigail “Abby”
Saldaña’s car driving through a Fort Worth
intersection the night of Oct. 26. Seconds later, it
registered the pickup truck of the customer police
say the 22-year-old stripper feared had been
stalking her.
Seventeen minutes after that,
Saldaña was dead, gunned down in her silver Hyundai
sedan, which itself had been riddled with bullets.
Stanley Szeliga, 54, has been charged with murder,
accused of fatally shooting Saldaña. He’s locked up
in the Tarrant County Jail on a $250,000 bond.
The night of Oct. 26, a bystander
called 911 to report that she’d watched a car speed
off a highway exit ramp into a grassy area, Fort
Worth detective L. Dickerson said in a sworn
affidavit for Szeliga’s arrest. When the 911 caller
went to check out the car, she noticed bullet holes
in the passenger side. The woman inside was not
moving or responsive.”...
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