Stepmother Forced 6-Year-Old Boy To Become
Transgender And Attempted To Have His Penis Removed Until Last
Minute Court Order Stopped The SurgeryFebruary 19. 2020

Jeffrey Younger with son James (left) and Anne Georgulas with
James whom she has been dressing as a girl with a barrette in his
hair (right). This is child abuse. The poor little boy does not
deserve it.
There is a very disturbing case in Texas, regarding
a stepmother pushing her 6-year-old stepson into becoming
transgender and attempting to force him into gender reassignment
surgery (surgically removing his penis). 6-year-old James Younger
was forced to live as a girl by his stepmother, Dr. Anne Georgulas.
I refer to her as his stepmother, as items online suggest she bought
donor eggs and had them fertilized by her husband's sperm.
After Anne and James' father Jeffrey Younger
divorced, she changed the boy's name to Luna without his biological
dad's consent. She also began dressing the little boy in girls
clothes, forced him to play with girls toys and brainwashed him with
false claims that he is a girl and not a boy. However, when he would
spent time with his dad, he was dressed as a boy and referred to by
his birth name of James.
Displeased with her ex-husband's refusal to go along
with her highly questionable conduct, Anne signed 6-year-old James
up for gender reassignment surgery. The first judge presiding over
the case, Kim Cooks, was pushing through the madness, until she was
removed under public outrage. Cooks was behaving like an autocratic
activist judge. She was partial and very dismissive of the dad's
parental rights.
The gender reassignment surgery to cut off the
6-year-old's penis was stopped at the last minute under a court
order James' father obtained. Upon further investigation, when a
therapist asked the little boy about his gender, he revealed that
when he is around his stepmother he is a girl and when he spends
time with his dad he wants to be a boy.
It exposed the brainwashing by his stepmother, who
should be ashamed of herself. This is child abuse. Anne's behavior
shows a latent hostility towards the child that should not be
ignored. It could be a byproduct of her inability to conceive (not
all women who cannot conceive behave in this manner).

James Younger reported, "Walt Heyer, a former
transgender and advocate for those experiencing sex change regret,
notes in an article for the Federalist that James does not fit the
criteria for the condition (gender dysphoria)."
Heyer also stated, "Providing only female clothes
and enrolling him in school with a girl's name, James exhibits no
sign of gender dysphoria when with his father or others, choosing to
dress and live as a boy. The fact that James changes gender
identity depending on which parent is present makes the diagnosis of
gender dysphoria both dubious and harmful." also stated regarding the very
troubling legal case, "Dr. Michelle Cretella, Executive Director of
the American College of Pediatricians, concurred that James does not
fit the profile for gender dysphoria."
Anne Georgulas has serious mental health problems to
force this on anyone, let alone a child. She was about to have a
6-year-old undergo serious surgery to cut off his penis. She even
filed a restraining order against his biological dad in trying to
ram the surgery through. What kind
of person does such a thing to a child.
Let that sink in. She tried to castrate
a 6-year-old. Her conduct is evil. Georgulas' behavior is
harmful and deceitful. She should be stripped of all parental
rights, as she is mentally ill and appears to be suffering from
Munchausen Sydrome by Proxy (MSBP).
The University of Michigan defines Munchausen
Sydrome by Proxy as "a mental health problem in which a caregiver
makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under his or her
care, such as a child, an elderly adult, or a person who has a
disability. Because vulnerable people are the victims, MSBP is a
form of child abuse or elder abuse."
Let kids be kids. Forcing sexual and
gender matters on a child is extremely inappropriate and
damaging. Children must be protected. They are not instruments
of revenge or fashion accessories for attention. Some in society
have lost their minds and all common sense. Sadly, the most
vulnerable members of society are paying a very high price for it.
There ought to be a law against such behavior.
6-year-old boy forced to live as a girl while mom
threatens dad for not going along
Jeffrey Younger is currently prohibited by
court order from affirming in any way his son’s sex.
Wed Nov 28, 2018 - 4:33 pm EST - DALLAS,
Texas, November 28, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A six-year-old
Texas boy is being dressed and presented as a girl by
his mother; at the same time, she is threatening the
boy’s father legally for not going along with her plan
for their son to live as a girl.
James lives as a girl when with his
mother, but when with his father and given the choice,
the six-year-old boy lives as a boy. Jeffrey Younger is
currently prohibited by court order from affirming in
any way his son’s sex, including imparting Christian
teaching on gender and sexuality to James.
In addition to the medical and
psychological risks to children associated with
so-called gender transitioning, the case has
implications for parental rights related to religious
freedom, freedom of speech, and due process. Anne
Georgulas has charged Younger, her ex-husband and
James’s father, with child abuse for not affirming their
son as a transgender “girl,” according to court
She has also sought restraining orders
against Younger, she is trying to terminate his parental
rights, and also seeks to compel Younger to pay for
James’s visits with a transgender-affirming therapist
and for medical procedures to “transition” James to a
Judge rules dad will have say in gender
‘transition’ of 7-year-old
The judge ruled today that James Younger's
parents will have joint guardianship over him, which
includes making joint medical decisions.
Thu Oct 24, 2019 - 3:26 pm EST - DALLAS,
Texas, October 24, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The judge
presiding over the case of Jeffrey Younger, the father
who is trying to protect his seven-year-old son, James,
from chemical castration via a gender “transition,”
ruled today that the parents will have joint
conservatorship over James, which includes making joint
medical decisions for the child.
Judge Kim Cooks of the 255th district
also put a gag order on both parents so that they cannot
speak to the press about the case and decided that the
father is not required to pay attorney fees. The judge’s
decision means that the Save James website will have to
be shut down.
Why It’s Probably Not A Coincidence That The
Mother Transing Her 7-Year-Old Isn’t Biologically
James’s non-biological parent’s willingness to
risk her child’s long-term health struggle contrasts
sharply with his biological parent’s desire to protect
October 24, 2019 - The story of
seven-year-old James, whom his mother has pressured to
become “Luna,” has been all over my newsfeed. The messy
custody battle deserves every second of our
click-bait-prone attention: Jeffrey Younger, James’s
father, wants to keep his son’s body intact, while Anne
Georgulas, James’s mother, wants to allow for
“treatment” that would physically and chemically
castrate him.
The havoc that divorce wreaks in a
child’s life is mainstage in this tragic case. Most of
us children of divorce quickly learn to act one way with
mom and another way with dad. We can switch to a
different set of rules, diet, family members, bedtime,
screen time limits, and political convictions in that
20-minute ride from mom’s house to dad’s.
Unfortunately for little James, the
adaptation he had to make went far beyond meat-lover’s
pizza at dad’s house and cauliflower crusts at mom’s: it
meant losing one of the most sacred aspects of his
identity—his maleness. His dad loved him as a boy, so he
got to be himself when he was at dad’s house. But mom
showered love on the version of James she preferred, the
one with the imaginary vagina.
So, as kids are so apt to do, when James
was at her house, he conformed to the person his mother
loved. This week a jury ruled that James must live like
he’s at mom’s permanently, where he can “transition”
fully, regardless of the cost to his mental and physical
The drugs used in these so-called
transgender “treatments” are off-label and largely
untested on children. Puberty blockers and cross-sex
hormones have significant long-term health risks and are
often followed by the amputation of healthy,
fully-functioning organs. The worst part? It’s entirely
PETITION: Support Dad and Texas Governor's bid to
save 7-year-old boy from being turned into girl #ProtectJamesYounger
The judge presiding over the case of
Jeffrey Younger, the father who is trying to protect his
seven-year-old son, James, from chemical castration via
a gender “transition,” ruled today that the parents will
have joint conservatorship over James, which includes
making joint medical decisions for the child.
This is a better result than could've
befallen Mr. Younger and his son, as James' Dad will
still retain crucial decision-making power over what can
and can't be done regarding the boy's medical treatment.
However, in the process, Judge Kim Cooks of the 255th
district also put a gag order on both parents so that
they cannot speak to the press about the case. The
judge’s decision means that the Save James website will
have to be shut down...
Judge who ruled on 7-yr-old’s gender ‘transition’
taken off case
The judge alleged shared an article about the
case on Facebook.
Fri Dec 6, 2019 - 4:34 pm EST - DALLAS,
Texas, December 6, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The judge who
ruled to grant joint conservatorship to the two parents
fighting over the “gender” of their seven-year-old son
was recused from the case today, at the orders of
another judge.
Judge Tena Callahan, a retired district
court judge, recused Judge Kim Cooks of the 255th Dallas
District Court from the James Younger case. Judge Cooks
will not hear the motion Dr. Anne Georgulas filed to
uphold the jury’s original decision, which was in
Georgulas’ favor. Mr. Jeffery Young and Dr. Georgulas
were in family court in October over whether one of
their twin sons, James, should be subjected to a gender
Controversy Erupts Online Regarding The 12-Year-Old Son Of Athlete
Dwyane Wade Becoming Transgender Highlighting A Serious Topic
Regarding Gender
People Online Are Slamming Gabrielle Union For Dwyane
Wade's Young 12-Year-Old Son Becoming Transgender
Rapper Boosie Slams Basketball Player Dwyane Wade Over
12-Year-Old Son Becoming Transgender (Video)