Starbucks Lost $11 Billion In 2023 In Another
Indication Of How Terrible The Joe Biden Economy Is
In AmericaDecember 30. 2023
Joe Biden
People in America can't afford food,
gas, mortgages, rent, car notes and college, but to
hear President Joe Biden tell it, this is the best
economy in U.S. history. The lies coming out of the
Biden administration, that is being run by
former President Barack Obama,
are so outrageous. The administration is clearly not
scared of getting struck by lightning.
Weeks ago the Burger King fast food
chain announced they are closing 400 restaurants.
Starbucks also announced the close of over 200
locations with a new item this week stating they
have lost $11 billion dollars this year.

Americans love Starbucks. They make
delicious items. However, the economy is so bad,
people do not have the extra income to eat out like
they did during the Trump administration, where
things were affordable. This is the problem.
A mentally unfit, unscrupulous man
is in office, with his strings being pulled by a
cocaine snorting deviant, who wants to hold on to
so-called power at all costs. They are not good with
economic matters and have a self-admitted new world
order agenda, which is not about the poor and middle
class, but the so-called elites having total control
over the masses.
Burger King will close up to 400 stores by the
end of the year
Several franchisees have filed for
bankruptcy so far in 2023
May 4, 2023, 8:54 PM EDT - The
popular fast food chain Burger King plans to close
up to 400 restaurants before the end of 2023, confirmed. This week, the CEO of
Restaurant Brands International Inc., which owns
Burger King, said they are preparing to close
between 300 and 400 locations.
The CEO, Joshua Kobza, said in a
call announcing Q1 earnings results, that the
company "historically" closes "a couple hundred"
Burger King restaurants each year. So far this year,
several large Burger King franchisees have filed for
bankruptcy: Illinois-based Toms King, Michigan-based
EYM King, and Utah-based Meridian Restaurants
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