Sister Of Rapper TI Died From
Cocaine Toxicity Leading To Fatal Car Accident
June 7. 2019

Precious Harris and TI
On February 12, 2019, Precious Harris (real name
Antoinette Chapman), the sister of rapper Clifford “TI” Harris, died
in a fatal car accident in Atlanta, Georgia. Harris blacked out
behind the wheel and crashed into a tree. She was transported to
Grady Memorial Hospital, but taken off life support 9-days later.
The Atlanta Journal and Constitution newspaper filed a public
request for the coroner’s report on Harris’ death. The report
revealed her death is labeled “accidental” and that it occurred due
to "cocaine toxicity." The cocaine use led to heart and respiratory
problems, causing her to black out while driving.
The coroner’s report states, "Antoinette Chapman
died as a result of cocaine toxicity which aggravated hypertensive
cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure). Cocaine causes
coronary artery spasms in addition to increases in blood pressure
and pulse resulting in the development of (abnormal heart rhythms),”
the report, obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution through an
Open Records request, said.
Harris, like so many in Hollywood, was addicted to
cocaine (TI used to sell drugs and bragged about it in songs like
"Rubber Band Man"). It is in abundant supply in the industry. People
underestimate cocaine. They are of the belief if they do not
overdose they will be fine. However, cocaine causes deadly damage in
other ways by narrowing the arteries leading to strokes and heart
If you have a drug problem, get into treatment/rehab
as soon as possible. You should also see your physician to undergo
screening tests regarding your heart health and arteries, to
medically address any existing problems. You will likely have
blockage from damage done over the course of years that could
shorten your life by decades.
Cause of death of T.I.'s sister revealed
21 hours ago - Medical examiner determines it wasn’t
an asthma attack that caused Precious Harris’ fatal car wreck. The
death of Atlanta rapper T.I.’s sister in February has been ruled an
accident by the Fulton County Medical Examiner. Precious Harris,
legally known as Antoinette Chapman, became unconscious while
driving her brother’s Dodge Avenger on Feb. 12. She was transported
to Grady Memorial Hospital, where she died nine days later.
The medical examiner specified that Chapman, 66, who
had a history of hypertension, diabetes and kidney disease, tested
positive for cocaine. “Antoinette Chapman died as a result of
cocaine toxicity which aggravated hypertensive cardiovascular
disease (high blood pressure). Cocaine causes coronary artery spasms
in addition to increases in blood pressure and pulse resulting in
the development of (abnormal heart rhythms),” the report, obtained
by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution through an Open Records request,