Shaunie To Shaq: Show Me The
Money, Kazaam
Shaunie Asks Shaq For Full Financial
November 10. 2007

Shaquille O'Neal's wife Shaunie, via her
attorney, has filed documents in Miami state court regarding
their divorce petition, requesting a full disclosure of all her
husband's assets. The document was entered into court record
this month and requests the full financial map of Shaq's
holdings. Numerous web sites have picked this tidbit up and are
interpreting it as a step toward gaining Shaquille's finances.

Considering Shaquille has dotingly spoken well
of his wife to the public for many years, and afforded her a
lavish lifestyle that is far beyond what she had prior to
marrying him, I hope she and her lawyer will be fair-minded in
their financial requests.

This is a man that has given to charity on many
occasions, helped the less fortunate and launched an affordable
line of shoes for teens. He does not deserve to be taken to the
cleaners. Under the circumstances it would look bad.