Senators In The U.S. Congress
State The CIA Has Been Illegally Spying On Americans
Confirming Previous Site Claims
February 11. 2022

For years I have written articles on
this site stating the FBI and CIA are illegally
spying on Americans (The FBI And CIA Struggling To Contain The Fact They Illegally
Spied On Donald Trump...And Bernie Sanders and
Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents
Showing The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via
Hacking Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating
Systems). My articles have
repeatedly proven true hundreds of times (Site Exclusives).
Previously, I also broke the story
about the CIA's sister agency, the FBI, having a
secret file room (The
FBI's Secret File Room). This week senators
in the U.S. Congress publicly stated the "CIA has a
secret program that collects American data."
Congress also stated the spying is outside the law,
meaning criminal/warrantless, "Wyden and Heinrich
said the program operated “outside the statutory
framework that Congress and the public believe
govern this collection.”

My tweet on about the CIA
illegally spying on Americans regarding items they
are hiding from the public in reference to the sick
extent of the unlawful surveillance
The FBI and CIA are lawless
psychotics repeatedly bringing trouble on America in
the world and within the nation. On its current
course America is going to collapse under the sheer
madness the two deranged alphabet agencies (FBI and
CIA) have been engaging in.
Senators: CIA has secret program that collects
American data
Yesterday - WASHINGTON (AP) — The
CIA has a secret, undisclosed data repository that
includes information collected about Americans, two
Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee said.
While neither the agency nor lawmakers would
disclose specifics about the data, the senators
alleged the CIA had long hidden details about the
program from the public and Congress.
Sens. Ron Wyden of Oregon and Martin
Heinrich of New Mexico sent a letter to top
intelligence officials calling for more details
about the program to be declassified. Large parts of
the letter, which was sent in April 2021 and
declassified Thursday, and documents released by the
CIA were blacked out. Wyden and Heinrich said the
program operated “outside the statutory framework
that Congress and the public believe govern this
Senators raise red flag on CIA data collection
02/11/2022 07:57 AM EST - A secret
program at the Central Intelligence Agency relied on
mass surveillance and data collection, including
from Americans, according to a newly declassified
letter from Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Martin
Heinrich (D-N.M.). The CIA is largely prohibited by
law from engaging in domestic spying.
“It has done so entirely outside the
statutory framework that Congress and the public
believe govern this collection, and without any of
the judicial, congressional or even executive branch
oversight that comes with FISA collection,” the
letter says. “This basic fact has been kept from the
public and from Congress.”
Both Wyden and Heinrich are members
of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Their letter,
dated April 2021, urged Avril D. Haines, the
director of national intelligence, and William J.
Burns, the CIA director, to declassify the
warrantless bulk data collection and any internal
agency rules about querying the data for information
about Americans. The letter was partially
declassified and disclosed yesterday, so anyone can
now read the (partially redacted) letter and the
press release...
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