Senator Elizabeth Warren Apologizes For
Claiming To Be Native American (Video)
February 7. 2019
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has formally apologized for
claiming to be Native American. Warren's claims of being Native
American were greeted with suspicion and in some circles it was
met with laughter. Warren and President Trump even got into a
war of words over her claims. This led to Warren taking a DNA
test, which revealed she has less than 0.1 percent native blood
in her veins. The test overwhelmingly concluded Warren is white

Elizabeth Warren's Bar Association registration, as she is a
Warren's Bar Association registration lists her race as "Native
American." It's shocking to see the document, in light of the
fact she is not of said extraction. Some are angry that Warren
received special government and career opportunities that were
designated for Native Americans, such as her job as a professor
at Harvard University meant for a Native American, to encourage
diversity at the school.

My tweets on
Twitter about Warren
I never believed Warren was Native American. She always looked
Anglo-Saxon to me. If you are in the public eye, there is
nothing wrong with taking a DNA test to confirm your ancestry.
It can give you a better understanding of who you are as a
person and help you speak about your ancestry with certainty.
Barack Obama’s Former Campaign Manager Slams Elizabeth Warren For
Fighting With President Trump Over Her Ancestry Before The Midterm