Russia Puts Ukrainian Eurovision Winner On Most
Wanted List Over Song
November 21. 2023

Ukrainian singer, Jamala, also known
as Jamaladinova, has been placed on Russia's most
wanted list, under a misinformation law about
criticizing the military. Jamala won Eurovision in
2016 with her song "1944." The Associated Press
stated the song was released, "Exactly two years
after Russia annexed Crimea as political turmoil
gripped Ukraine." The song contains the lyrics,
"When strangers are coming, they come to your house,
they kill you all and say 'We're to guilty.'"

Vladimir Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin
again showing he can't stand criticism. Putin's ego
is so fragile he is resorting to targeting a singer
for peacefully singing of the abuses her country has
endured at his hands. What I don't get is people who
know they have done others wrong, but get upset when
they peacefully speak out. That is mental illness.
Why would someone like you for abusing them and
their fellow countrymen and women.
Russia puts Ukrainian winner of Eurovision
Song Contest on wanted list
Updated 8:38 AM EST, November 20,
2023 - MOSCOW (AP) — Russia has placed a Ukrainian
singer who won the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest on
its wanted list, state news agencies reported
Monday. The reports said an Interior Ministry
database listed singer Susana Jamaladinova as being
sought for violating a criminal law.
The independent news site Mediazona,
which covers opposition and human rights issues,
said Jamaladinova was charged under a law adopted
last year that bans spreading so-called fake
information about the Russian military and the
ongoing fighting in Ukraine...
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