Report: Researchers Prove Link
Between Deaths And COVID-19 Vaccines (Confirming
Previous Site Claims)
January 6. 2023

A new report reveals "researchers
prove link between deaths and COVID-19 vaccines"
which states "more evidence is piling up as to how
the vaccines cause injury and death to the body."
Many have died after taking COVID-19 vaccines in a
matter that is being played down by some mainstream
press outlets.

Tweet from my Twitter page on July 25, 2020,
months before the vaccines were released, has
proven prophetic (Thousands Of Adverse Medical Events Reported After Taking
Coronavirus Vaccines Including Death, Heart Attacks And Strokes Confirming
Previous Site Claims and
CDC Panics And Opens An Emergency
Investigation Into More Than 800 Teens Developing Serious Heart Problems
Due To Coronavirus Vaccines Confirming Previous Site Claims)
This is more proof that confirms my
warnings regarding the dangers of the COVID-19
vaccines (however, I do advocate mask wearing). They
are not totally safe and effective. Many have died
after receiving the vaccines and they do not prevent
transmission of the deadly virus. My warnings were
also proven correct regarding the vaccines advancing
cancer (Famous Doctor Blames Coronavirus
Vaccine For Accelerating His Cancer And Presents Proof Of Progression
Confirming Previous Site Claims).
Researchers Prove Link Between Deaths and
COVID-19 Vaccines
More evidence is piling up as to how
the vaccines cause injury and death to the body. An
autopsy is usually one of the last stops in an
investigation to determine the cause of death. So
far, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has
refused to show The Epoch Times the autopsy reports
they have of people who died after a COVID-19
But the FDA is not the only entity
that has access to patients’ medical records. In
Germany, there’s a biobank in the southern state of
Baden-Wuerttemberg. It’s called the COVID-19 Autopsy
and Biosample Registry. This biobank collects
autopsy data from people who died from COVID-19 or
shortly after a COVID vaccination. This timely data
is available to researchers.
One German team at the Heidelberg
University Hospital conducted a study from the
autopsy data in the biobank. They looked at 35
people who died suddenly at home within 20 days of
getting a COVID-19 injection. And they were able to
confirm that the COVID-19 vaccines were the likely
cause of death in some of those people...
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